A comparison of two different defensive based playing formations on the running activity profiles of soccer teams
This study aimed to examine the effects of two different defensive based playing formations (3-Defender formation and 4-Defender formation) on both the reference and the opponent teams' running activity profiles. 8 official matches (n=4, 3-Defender formation; n=4, 4-Defender formation) of Galatasaray football team (Turkish Super League) and opposition teams performed with two different playing formations were monitored. The sample matches were monitored and analyzed using a multiple-camera computerized tracking system. Running activity data variables obtained from the software were analyzed in 5 different categories (total running distance in kilometers, mean speed in km.h(-1), high-intensity running (20 km.h(-1) to 24 km.h(-1)) distance in meters, sprint (>24 km.h(-1)) distance, sprint numbers. The results of this study indicate that running activity profiles of reference and opposition teams generally do not differ (p >0.05) according to the different game formation of the reference team. Only the reference team's total running distance was higher (p <0.05) in the 4-Defender formation than the 3-Defender formation (2.52%). Namen študije je bil preučiti učinke dveh različnih
obrambnih igralnih formacij (3 obrambna formacija
in 4 obrambna formacija) tako na referenčnih
profilih kot na profilih tekaških aktivnosti nasprotnih
ekip. Spremljali smo 8 uradnih tekem (n = 4, 3
obrambna formacija; n = 4, 4 obrambna formacija)
nogometne ekipe Galatasaray (turška superliga) in
nasprotne ekipe, ki so nastopile z dvema različnima
formacijama. Vzorčne ujemanje smo spremljali in
analizirali z računalniškim sistemom, ki za sledenje
uporablja več kamer. Spremenljivke podatkov o
tekaški aktivnosti, pridobljene s programsko
opremo, so bile analizirane v 5 različnih kategorijah
(skupna razdalja teka v kilometrih, povprečna hitrost
v km.h-1
, tek z visoko intenzivnostjo (20 km.h-1 do
24 km.h-1
) razdalja v metrih, sprinterska (> 24 km.h1
) razdalja, število sprintov. Rezultati te študije
kažejo, da se profili tekaških aktivnosti referenčnih
in nasprotnih ekip na splošno ne razlikujejo (p>
0,05) glede na različno obliko igre je bila skupna
tekaška razdalja referenčne ekipe v 4 obrambni
formaciji višja (p <0,05) kot v 3 obrambni formaciji