The attıtudes of the prospectıve mathematıcs teachers towards ınstructıonal technologıes and materıal development course
This study aims to determine the attitudes of prospective teachers of Secondary Mathematics Education toward Instructional Technologies and Material Development (ITMD) Course. The participants of this descriptive research include 44 students, who take ITMD Course at Department of Secondary Mathematics at Necatibey Faculty of Education in Balikesir University. The questionnaire developed by researchers was conducted before and after the course at 2007-2008 fall semesters.
The accuracy of the difference in the attitudes of the prospective math teachers before and after the course was tested by t test and it was seen to be statically significant in the level of p=0.05. Moreover, according to results of the interviews, the prospective teachers emphasized that ITMD Course aims to provide permanent learning and to prepare materials that are appropriate to the teaching methods through an effective teaching process. At the end of the semester, the attitudes of the prospective teachers toward the course developed in a positive way. Besides, it was observed that the instructor's positive attitudes toward the course, and group works contributed both to that development and to the success of the prospective teachers in the teaching and learning activities.