The relationships between leader-member exchange and organizational justice in hotels
The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether there was a significant effect of the quality of the leader-member Exchange on perception of organizational justice in hotels. This study made three important contributions to the literature. First, few researches focus on the relationships between leader-member and organizational justice in the lodging industry. This study filled this gap. Second, the study is very important for the generalizability of leader-member exchange and organizational justice relationships. Third, this study investigated the issue from the leader-member exchange perspective and few studies have investigated this perspective. Through questionnaires, data were collected from three international chain hotels in Ankara, Turkey. Three hundred and nine questionnaires were analyzed. The results showed that the quality of the leader-member exchange influence employees' perceptions of distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice.
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative SciencesSayı
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