Colonial and morphological characteristics of some Aspergillus Fr.: Fr. species isolated from vineyards in Manisa and Izmir Provinces (Turkey)
Five Aspergillus Fr.:Fr. species and 3 varieties were described from the point of view of colonial and morphological characteristics. These species and varietes are isolated from soil, grape and sultana raisins from vineyards in Manisa and Izmir provinces (Turkey). These are as follows: A. flavofurcatus Bat. and H.Maia, A. heteromorphus Bat. and H.Maia, A. pulverulentus (McAlpine) Wehmer, A. unguis (Emile-Weil and L.Gaudin) Thom and Raper, A. viridinutans Ducker and Thrower, A. foetidus Thom and Raper var. pallidus (Nakaz., Simo and A.Watan.) Raper and Fennell, A. foetidus Thom and Raper var. acidus (Nakaz., Simo and A.Watan.) Raper and Fennell and A. nidulans (Eidam) G.Winter var. acristatus Fennell and Raper. The final 2 are cited for the first time in Turkey.