Browsing by Author "Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz"
Now showing items 1-20 of 66
An application of soft Set and fuzzy soft Set theories to stock management
Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Demir, Pelin (2017)We give a new application of both notions of a soft set and of a fuzzy soft set to the effective management of stock-out situation. We construct a model to track the remaining raw materials in stock at the end of the first ... -
An application of soft set and fuzzy soft set theories to stock management
Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Demir, Pelin (2017)Bu çalı¸smada stok durumlarının etkili bir ¸sekilde yönetimi probleminin çözümünde,esnek ve bulanık esnek kümelerin kullanılmasına ili¸skin bir uygulama verilmi¸stir. ?Ilk hafta(veya ilk ay) sonunda, esnek küme teorisinin ... -
Applications of k-fibonacci numbers for the starlike analytic functions
Sokol, Janusz; Raina, Ravinder Krishna; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Hacettepe Univ, 2015)The k-Fibonacci numbers F-k,F-n (k > 0), defined recursively by F-k; 0 = 0; F-k,F-1 = 1 and F-k,F-n = k F-k,F-n + F(k, n-1)1 for n >= 1 are used to define a new class SLk. The purpose of this paper is to apply properties ... -
Classification of metallic shaped hypersurfaces in real space forms
Özgür, Cihan; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2015)We define the notion of a metallic shaped hypersurface and give the full classification of metallic shaped hypersurfaces in real space forms. We deduce that every metallic shaped hypersurface in real space forms is a ... -
Common fixed point results on complex-valued s-metric spaces
Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Univ Maragheh, 2020)Banach's contraction principle has been improved and extensively studied on several generalized metric spaces. Recently, complex-valued S-metric spaces have been introduced and studied for this purpose. In this paper, we ... -
Common fixed points of continuous mappings on s-metric spaces
Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Maik Nauka/Interperiodica, 2018)The aim of this paper is to obtain some common fixed point results on an S-metric space. For this purpose, we prove new generalized common fixed point theorems using the notions of weak commutation, compatibility, and ... -
Complex Conformable Derivative
Uçar, Sümeyra; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Eroğlu, Beyza Billur İskender (Springer Heidelberg, 2019)In this study, we introduce a new complex conformable derivative and integral with noninteger order which coincides the classical complex derivative and integral for = 1. We examine basic properties of these newly defined ... -
Complex valued neural network with Mobius activation function
Özdemir, Necati; İskender, Beyza Billur; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Elsevier Science Bv, 2011)In this work, we propose a new type of activation function for a complex valued neural network (CVNN). This activation function is a special Mobius transformation classified as reflection. It is bounded outside of the unit ... -
Discontinuity at fixed points with applications
Pant, R. P.; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Taş, Nihal (Belgian Mathematical Soc Triomphe, 2019)In this paper, we study new contractive conditions which are strong enough to generate fixed points but which do not force the map to be continuous at fixed points. In this context, we give new results on the fixed-circle ... -
Ellipses and harmonic mobius transformations
Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Ovidius Univ Press, 2010)Harmonic Mobius transformations are the generalization of Mobius transformations to harmonic mappings. Their basic geometric property is that they take circles to ellipses. In this paper, we determine the images of ellipses ... -
Ellipses and similarity transformations with norm functions
Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-TUBITAK, 2018)In this paper, we deal with a conjecture related to the images of ellipses (resp. circles) under similarities that are the special Mobius transformations. We consider ellipses (resp. circles) corresponding to any norm ... -
The extended hecke groups as semi-direct products and related results
The extended Hecke groups H̄(λq) have been worked in (Sahin and Bizim, 2003) as amalgamated free products. In this paper, we first show that H(λq) is the semi-direct product (split extension) of the Hecke group H̄(λq) by ... -
Fixed discs in quasi-metric spaces
Aydi, Hassen; Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Mlaiki, Nabil (House Book Science-Casa Cartii Stiinta, 2021)In this paper, we present some results of fixed disc and common fixed disc in quasi-metric spaces, under some very interesting contractions. Obtained results are supported by illustrative examples. -
Fixed-discs in rectangular metric spaces
Aydi, Hassen; Taş, Nihal; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Mlaiki, Nabil (MDPI, 2019)In this manuscript, we present some results related to fixed-discs of self-mappings in rectangular metric spaces. To do this, we give new techniques modifying some classical notions such as Banach contraction principle, ... -
Generalizations of Fibonacci and Lucas sequences
Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (2002)In this paper, we consider the Hecke groups H(√q), q ≥ 5 prime number, and we find an interesting number sequence which is denoted by dn. For q = 5, we get d2n = L2n+1 and d2n+1 = √5F2n+2 where L2n+1 is (2n + 1)th Lucas ... -
Generalizations of metric spaces: from the fixed-point theory to the fixed-circle theory
Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz; Taş, Nihal Arabacıoğlu (Springer International Publishing, 2018)This paper is a research survey about the fixed-point (resp. fixed-circle) theory on metric and some generalized metric spaces. We obtain new generalizations of the well-known Rhoades’ contractive conditions, Ćiri ć’s ... -
Kompleks rolle ve ortalama değer teoremleri
Kaya, Yağmur (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015)Reel değerli fonksiyonlar için Ortalama Değer Teoremi ve Rolle Teoremi analizin en temel teoremlerindendir. Bu tezde kompleks değişkenli kompleks değerli fonksiyonlar için Ortalama Değer Teoremi ve Rolle Teoremi incelenecektir. ... -
Metallic shaped hypersurfaces in lorentzian space forms
Özgür, Cihan; Özgür, Nihal Yılmaz (Union Matematica Argentina, 2017)We show that metallic shaped hypersurfaces in Lorentzian space forms are isoparametric and obtain their full classification. -
Möbius dönüşümleri ve elipsler
Atılgan, Kadriye (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009)Kesirli lineer dönüşümler olarak da bilinen Möbius dönüşümleri ilk kez 1831 yılında ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu dönüşümler kompleks analizde ve cebirsel geometride çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Möbius dönüşümlerinin bilinen en ... -
Möbius dönüşümlerinin invaryant karakteristik özellikleri
Akyıldız, Serap (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003)Bu çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm, üç kısma ayrılmaktadır. Birinci kısımda, analitik ve meromorf fonksiyonlarla ilgili temel tanımlar ve teoremler verilmiştir. İkinci kısımda, Möbius dönüşümleri ile ilgili ...