Browsing by Author "Kocaman, Ayşe Abit"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
A comparison of the muscle activation, proprioception and anthropometric characteristics of the dominant and non-dominant wrists
Sertel, Meral; Sahan, Tezel Yıldırım; Bezgin, Sabiha; Oral, Muhammet Ayhan; Kocaman, Ayşe Abit; Arslan, Saniye Aydoğan; Demirci, Cevher (Dokuz Eylül Univ Inst Health Sciences, 2022)Purpose: Manual asymmetry refers to tendency that is in favor of hand to perform manual tasks requiring skills, it is important in every sensory and motor function. This study aimed to compare the muscle activation, ... -
The cutoff value of the calf-raise senior test for older faller
Kocaman, Ayşe Abit; Demirci, Cevher; Arslan, Saniye Aydoğan; Şahan, Tezel Yıldırım; Vergili, Özge; Oral, M. Ayhan; Bezgin, Sabiha; Uğurlu, Kübra; Önal, Birol (Routledge Journals, 2020)Aims The aim of this study is to determine a cutoff value of the calf-raise senior test and dual-calf-raise senior test according to fall history. Methods 150 elderly individuals participated in descriptive study. ... -
Examination of the relationship between exercise barriers and physical activity, sleep, and fatigue in older individuals
Sertel, Meral; Kocaman, Ayşe Abit; Bezgin, Sabiha; Şahan, Tezel Yıldırım; Arslan, Saniye Aydoğan; Demirci, Cevher Savcun; Oral, M. Ayhan; Önal, Birol; Uğurlu, Kübra; Vergili, Özge (AVES, 2020)BACKGROUND/AIMS This study aimed to determine exercise barriers in older individuals and to examine their relationship with physical activity, sleep, and fatigue. MATERIAL and METHODS A total of 100 older individuals ... -
Omuz ağrılı bireylerde skapular diskinezi, kavrama kuvveti, servikal bölge hareketliliği ve temporomandibular eklem bozukluğu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
Şahan, Tezel Yıldırım; Kocaman, Ayşe Abit; Aydoğan, Saniye; Demirci, Cevher Savcun; Bezgin, Sabiha; Oral, Muhammet Ayhan; Önal, Birol; Uğurlu, Kübra; Vergili, Özge; Keskin, Esra Dilek (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, 2021)Omuz ağrılı bireylerde skapular diskinezi, kavrama kuvveti, servikal bölge hareketliliği ve temporomandibular eklem bozukluğu arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya omuz problemi olan 40 birey (28 ... -
The relationship between balance, trunk muscular endurance, and functional level in individuals with chronic low back pain
Bezgin, Sabiha; Arslan, Saniye Aydoğan; Sertel, Meral; Vergili, Özge; Kocaman, Ayşe Abit; Oral, Muhammet Ayhan; Şahan, Tezel Yıldırım; Demirci, Cevher Savcun; Uğurlu, Kübra (Turgut Ozal Medical Center, 2020)Aim: This study was planned to investigate the relationship between trunk muscular endurance, balance, and functional level in individuals with chronic low back pain. Material and Methods: Sixty-three individuals, aged ...