Browsing by Author "Oktay, Zuhal"
Now showing items 1-20 of 57
Balıkesir ili jeotermal ısıtma sistemlerinin enerjetik ve ekserjetik analizi
Coşkun, Can (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007)Son yıllarda jeotermal enerji kaynaklarının merkezi ısıtma uygulamalarında kullanımı üzerine ilgi artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Balıkesir ilinde bulunan Edremit ve Bigadiç merkezi ısıtma sistemlerinin performans değerlendirmesi ... -
Bir termik santralde enerji ve ekserji analizi
Küçükefe, Olcay Bülent (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004)Dört ana bölümden oluşan bu tezin ilk bölümünde, enerji ve ekserji arasındaki bazı önemli farklar detaylı olarak verilip, ekserjinin bazı uygulamaları üzerine yürütülen çalışmalar özetlenirken, ekserji kavramı ele alınmaktadır. ... -
A case study of hybrid wind-solar power system for reduction of CO2 emissions
Akyüz, Ersin; Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2012)In this study, the solar radiation and wind data pertaining to Bigadic region are analyzed to assess the performance of a hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind-Diesel-Battery energy system. The average energy consumption of the system ... -
Change in heating energy requirements for various interior space temperatures: A case study of Karabük
In this study, the effect of indoor temperature for heating on reduction of heating load in Karabuk province was studied for various cases. The potential heating degree-hour values for Karabuk are utilized by using average ... -
Çimento sektöründe döner fırın prosesinin eksergoekonomik optimizasyonu
Söğüt, Mehmet Ziya (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009)Çimento sektörü, enerji tüketimi ve maliyetleri bakımından Türkiye 'de en büyük sanayi sektörlerinden biridir. Bu tezde, gerçek çalışma verileri kullanılarak, Balıkesir' de bir çimento fabrikasında 335 kton/yıl klinker ... -
Effect of the energy survey to energy efficiency in industrial sector an application
Söğüt, Ziya; Oktay, Zuhal (2006)Ülkemizde sanayi sektörü, yüksek enerji tüketimi ve maliyeti açısından enerji tasarrufu çalışmalarında öncelikli sektörlerden biridir. 1996 yılında % 34.7, 2000'de % 39 olan sanayi enerji tüketim payı, 2010'da % 49 olması ... -
Energetic and exergetic assessment of a trass mill process in a cement plant
Söğüt, Mehmet Ziya; Oktay, Zuhal; Hepbaşlı, Arif (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009)Cement production has become one of the most intensive energy industries in the world. For producing it, addition materials have been widely used in cement factories. The main objective of this study is to assess the ... -
Energetic and exergetic performance evaluation of the quadruple-effect evaporator unit in tomato paste production
Söğüt, Ziya; İlten, Nadir; Oktay, Zuhal (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2010)Quadruple-effect evaporator units are commonly used in food focus area in sector is evaporative unit. It consumes about 60% of total energy input. The present study evaluates the performance of quadruple-effect evaporator ... -
Energetic and exergetic performance investigation of the Bigadic geothermal district heating system in Turkey
Oktay, Zuhal; Coşkun, Can; Dinçer, İbrahim (Elsevier Science Sa, 2008)In this study a comprehensive performance analysis of the Bigadic Geothermal District Heating System (GDHS) in Balikesir, Turkey is performed through thermodynamic assessment in terms of energy and exergy efficiencies. The ... -
Energetic, environmental and economic aspects of a hybrid renewable energy system: A case study
Akyüz, Ersin; Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (2011)In this study, the solar irradiation and wind speed data of Balikesir in Turkey are analyzed to assess the techno-economic viability and environmental performance of a hybrid power system. Energy is estimated for a typical ... -
Energetic, exergetic and environmental assessments of the Edremit Geothermal District Heating System
Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Amer Soc Heating, 2008)In this study, we investigate the Edremit Geothermal District Heating System (GDHS) in Balikesir Turkey through energetic, exergetic, economic and environmental assessments. The actual thermal data taken from the Technical ... -
Energetic, exergetic, economic and environmental assessments of the bigadic geothermal district heating system as a potential green solution
Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2007)In this study, we assess the Bigadic Geothermal District Heating System ( GDHS), which has the world's third longest and Turkey's longest geothermal pipeline, for its energetic, exergetic, economic and environmental factors. ... -
Energy analysis of hydrogen production from a hybrid wind turbine-electrolyzer system
Akyüz, Ersin; Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Springer International Publishing, 2014)In this study, the energy performance of hybrid wind-hydrogen system is investigated. In addition to energy performance, a cost analysis of hydrogen production is also carried out for stand-alone system for different PEM ... -
Energy analysis of hydrogen production using biogas-based electricity
Coşkun, Can; Akyüz, Ersin; Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011)In this study, we perform energy analyses of hydrogen production with biogas-based electricity. In this study, a factory generating its own electricity from biogas obtained from wastewater treatment plant is considered for ... -
Energy and exergy analyses in a thermal process of a production line for a cement factory and applications
Söğüt, Ziya; Oktay, Zuhal (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2008)The objective of this study is to determine the actual energy losses by performing energy and exergy analyses and to evaluate energy and exergy efficiency in each process for the cement factory. In these analyses, for each ... -
Energy and exergy analyses of a raw mill in a cement production
Utlu, Zafer; Söğüt, Ziya; Hepbaşlı, Arif; Oktay, Zuhal (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006)Cement production has been one of the most energy intensive industries in the world. In order to produce raw materials preparation, clinker and rotary kilns are widely used in cement plants. The objective of this study is ... -
Energy and exergy analyses of an industrial wood chips drying process
In this study, a comprehensive thermodynamic investigation through energy and exergy analyses is conducted to assess the performance of an industrial chips drying process and study how its operating conditions and efficiency ... -
Environmental benefits of geothermal-based absorption cooling systems
Coşkun, Can; Oktay, Zuhal; Dincer, İbrahim (Springer, 2010)özet yok -
Estimation of monthly solar radiation distribution for solar energy system analysis
Coşkun, Can; Oktay, Zuhal; Dinçer, İbrahim (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011)The concept of probability density frequency, which is successfully used for analyses of wind speed and outdoor temperature distributions, is now modified and proposed for estimating solar radiation distributions for design ... -
Estimation of the monthly based hourly wind speed characteristics and the generated power characteristics for developing bidding strategies in an actual wind farm: A case study
Akyüz, Ersin; Demi̇ral, Doğan; Coşkun, Can; Oktay, Zuhal (Springer Heidelberg, 2013)This manuscript proposes a new approach for the estimation of the monthly based hourly wind speed characteristics and the generated power characteristics in an actual wind farm. The proposed approach uses the probability ...