Now showing items 1-10 of 309
Content, significance and global role of world regional geography in the framework of pedagogical perspective
(Natl Izdatelstvo Az Buki, 2018)
This study discussed the significance and function of regional geography courses taught in Faculty of Arts and Sciences Geography Departments in Turkey along with the pedagogical and scientific role of the course. The study ...
Trigonella coerulescens subsp ayvalikensis (Fabaceae), a new taxon from Balıkesir, western Anatolia
(Magnolia Press, 2017)
Trigonella coerulescens subsp. ayvalikensis (Fabaceae) is described and illustrated from western Anatolia, Turkey. It grows on sandy soil and flowers from March to May in coastal areas. Diagnostic characters are given and ...
Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey (1990-2012)
(Scibulcom Ltd, 2015)
This study investigated the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey during the period of 1990-2012 according to year and sectors. A significant countrywide increase in greenhouse gas emissions was identified in ...
The effects of air pollution and local meteorology on children's respiratory health: A case-crossover study in Balikesir
(Int Scientific Conference SGEM, 2011)
In this study, It is estimated the effect of short-term exposure to air pollution on hospital admission for respiratory illnesses among young children. The study used existing data from records of three hospitals. Air ...
Fransa ve Türkiye`de öğretmen yetiştirme uygulamalarının karşılaştırılması
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997)
Çağımızda yaşanan hızlı gelişmeler nedeniyle, bir yandan eğitim alanındaki mevcut bilgi ve yaklaşımların bir kısmı geçersiz hale gelirken, diğer yandan da yeni yeni yaklaşım ve modeller ortaya çıkmaktadır. Son zamanlarda, ...
The housing market efficiency in luxury segment: Issues and evidence from customer perspective
The purpose of this study is to define what criteria is assessed basically by the consumers for purchasing the branded housing projects and luxury homes. It is clearly observed the importance of the housing market in the ...
Prediction of daily average global solar radiation and parabolic monthly irradiation model parameters for Turkey
(Springer International Publishing, 2014)
The amount of solar radiation falling on the surface of the earth is a very important data for engineers and scientists tomodel the solar energy systems and to design and carry out a performance analysis. Solar global ...
Karyotype Analyses on the Genus Lallemantia Fisch & CAMey. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey
(Unıv Tokyo Cytologia, 2014)
In this research, Lallemantia iberica (Bieb.) Fisch. & Mey., L. canescens (L.) Fisch. & Mey. and L. peltata (L.) Fisch. & Mey. belonging to the Lallemantia Fisch. & C.A.Mey. genus (Lamiaceae) which is represented by three ...
Türkiye'de kamu iktisadi teşebbüslerinin özelleştirilmesi ve Turban Turizm A.Ş. örneği
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000)
Özelleştirme, ülkemizin ve diğer dünya devletlerinin büyük bir bölümünün, serbest piyasa ekonomisi içerisinde ekonominin yeniden yapılandırılması programı dahilinde uyguladıkları istikrar ve rasyonelleştirme politikalarının ...
The relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance: Is it myth or reality for the hotel sector?
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2009)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the impacts of outsourcing, and to examine the relationship between the outsourcing process and organizational performance in hotels.
Design/methodology/approach ...