Browsing Eğitim Bilimleri-Makale Koleksiyonu by Language "eng"
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
Adaptation of ICT integration approach scale to Kosovo culture: A study of validity and reliability analysis
(Horizon Research Publishing, 2018)The aim of this study is to adapt ICT integration approach scale to Kosovo culture, which measures ICT integration approaches of university faculty to teaching and learning process. The scale developed in Turkish has ... -
An adaptation of parent ınvolvement scale to the Kosovo Culture: Validity and reliability studies
(Cherkas Global Univ Press, 2023)The present study aimed to adapt the Parent Involvement Scale developed by Saban (2011) to Kosovo culture to measure parental involvement in schools in Kosovo. The original scale is graded on a 4-point scale where 4 = ... -
Adaptation of teaching approaches scale to the Kosovo culture - a validity and reliability analysis
(Cherkas Global Univ Press, 2022)Investigating the teaching approaches that teachers adopt in the education process has gained significant importance. Various scales have been developed to determine teachers' teaching approaches. Cultural differences ... -
Adaptation of the epistemological belief scale to Kosovo
(Eurasian Society of Educational Research, 2021)The investigation of epistemological beliefs has become important in both pre-service and in-service education of teachers. Different scales have been developed to determine teachers' epistemological beliefs. The same scale ... -
Analysis of environmental achievements in 2018 science and biology courses curriculum according to the revised bloom taxonomy
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2020)Today, the visible results of climate change cause environmental issues to be prioritized in all areas. Environmental acquisitions are included in the curriculum in compulsory education. According to Bloom's taxonomy, ... -
An analysis of the relation between teacher candidates' attitudes toward the teaching profession and teaching-learning process competencies
(Pegem Akad Yayıncılık Eğitim Danişmanlik Hizmetleri Tic Ltd Sti,, 2017)Even though the adopted teaching-learning approaches and the curricula that are based on them are subject to change in an educational institution, teaching competencies and attitudes determine the basic quality of the ... -
Analyzing pre-service teachers’ educational philosophy preferences, curriculum design orientation, and epistemological beliefs with structural equation model
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2021)The purpose of this study is to examine the partial mediating effect of epistemological beliefs in the correlation between preferences towards educational philosophy and the curriculum design approach of pre-service teachers. ... -
Assessing measurement invariance of Turkish "Central Examination for Secondary Education Institutions" for visually impaired students
(Springer, 2021)Studies that focus on measurement invariance are of significant importance in proving the validation of high-stake tests, and in order to provide fairness from the results of these exams for special needs students. The aim ... -
Chen inequalities for submanifolds of generalized space forms with a semi-symmetric metric connection
(2016)We investigate sharp inequalities for submanifolds in both generalizedcomplex space forms and generalized Sasakian space forms with a semisymmetric metric connection -
A comparison of pre-service English Language Teacher Training systems in Turkey and Japan
(2012)Bu çalışma, Türkiye ve Japonya’daki İngilizce öğretmeni yetiştirme sistemlerini karşılaştırarak sistemler arasındaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir ülkeler arası karşılaştırmalı eğitim çalışmasıdır. ... -
Comparison of two test methods for VIS: paper-pencil test and CAT
(Routledge Journals, 2018)This paper examines listening comprehension skills of visually impaired students (VIS) using computerised adaptive testing (CAT) and reader-assisted paper-pencil testing (raPPT) and student views about them. Explanatory ... -
A cross-cultural study: Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs for teaching thinking skills
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2020)The primary aim of the study was to explore how teachers' self-efficacy belief for teaching thinking change with respect to their countries, genders, teaching fields, professional seniority. To achieve this aim, Teachers' ... -
Designing web-based “Measurement and evaluation” learning modules for teachers’ needs
(Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2021)The challenging aspects of scheduling face-to-face in-service training programs are a barrier to make needed training widespread and accessible. Due to the limitations, the necessity has arisen to design interactive and ... -
Determining the competency levels and views of prospective teachers concerning inclusive education practices
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2020)The purpose of this study is to determine the competency levels of prospective teachers and their views in relation to inclusive education as well as to examine the relationship between these two variables. The study adopted ... -
Do lifestyles shape self-regulated learning strategies?
(Anı Yayıncılık, 2016)Problem Statement: Being a virtuous citizen, developing communication skills, and becoming a life-long learner are directly proportionate to the individuals' perspectives on life. Provided that an education system is able ... -
Effect of meaning making approach on students' conceptual understanding: an examination of angular momentum conservation
(Necmettin Erbakan Univ, 2017)The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of meaning making based instruction regarding angular momentum conservation on the change of two 11th grade students. alternative ideas they have before instruction. Case study ... -
The effectiveness of positive psychology intervention in Turkey: A meta-analysis
(Karabuk Univ, 2020)The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the results intervention designed in experimental and quasi-experimental model within certain fields of positive psychology in Turkey by using meta-analysis method. The ... -
Enhancing pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through the Learning by Design Framework: A fink taxonomy-based study
(2023)This study aimed to develop Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) through the use of the Learning by Design (LBD) framework in a teaching process for pre-service teachers. During a 12-week period that included ... -
Evaluation of secondary school 10th grade chemistry instructional curriculum
(2014)Bu çalışmada, Ortaöğretim 10. Sınıf Kimya Dersi Öğretim Programını, genel amaçlar, kazanımlar, etkinlikler ve değerlendirme boyutları açısından, programın uygulayıcıları olan öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre değerlendirmek ... -
Factors that influence pre-service teachers' ICT usage in education
(Routledge Journals,, 2011)The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of internal factors (e.g. attitudes towards computers and internet, self-confidence, and knowledge) and external factors (perceived support) on the level of ...