Now showing items 1-9 of 9
The role and importance of agriculture in Turkey's development
Agriculture is an important sector for both developed and developing countries all over the world. This study examines the role of agricultural value added, agricultural employment and agricultural exports in determining ...
The relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance: Is it myth or reality for the hotel sector?
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2009)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the impacts of outsourcing, and to examine the relationship between the outsourcing process and organizational performance in hotels.
Design/methodology/approach ...
The role of market risk in innovative working behaviour of companies: A comparative analysis between Turkey and Mexico using multivariate garch methodology
(Springer, 2020)
Developments in foreign exchange rates are important for the functioning of financial markets. Uncertainties and fluctuations in exchange rates negatively affect financial markets, thus cause unexpected sudden changes ...
Koronavirüs sürecinde devletin mali ve iktisadi rolünün değerlendirilmesi
(Legal Yayıncılık, 2020)
Salgın, doğal afetler, ekonomik kriz gibi olağanüstü durumlarda
devlete yüklenen görevler artmaktadır. Koronavirüs sürecinde devlet bir
taraftan toplum sağlığını korumaya yönelik önlemler alırken, diğer taraftan durma ...
Maliye önlisans öğrencilerinin vergi ahlâkı ve vergi bilincinin ölçülmesi: Kula Meslek Yüksekokulu örneği
(Maliye Hesap Uzmanları Derneği, 2020)
Devletlerin en önemli kamusal gelir kaynaklarının başında vergiler gelmektedir. Toplumdaki kişilerin vergiye karşı bakışının olumlu olabilmesi ve vergi gayretlerinin yüksek olması kişilerin vergi ahlâkı ve vergi bilinci ...
Analysis of a stochastic model for crowdsourcing using map arrivals and phase type services
(Ministry Communications & High Technologies Republic Azerbai, 2021)
In this paper, we model crowdsourcing using MAP for Type 1 arrivals who may opt to serve the other (Poisson type) arrivals. Such models are useful in service sectors wherein one type of customers visit the store to buy ...
Analysis of the OECD countries' better living index with the entropy based GRA and WASPAS methods
(Peter Lang AG, 2021)
Increasing interest in welfare assessment in recent years has enabled the use of a wide variety of statistical and decision-making techniques to measure well being at regional and national levels. One of the most important ...
Clustering approach as a regional development tool and Turkish automotive sector clustering analysis
(Peter Lang AG, 2021)
The automotive sector, which is a considered as a strategic sector in almost all developed countries, operates with a fully clustering approach. Clustering is defined as the geographical concentration of firms, specialized ...
Negatif dışsallıkların çözümünde Paris İklim Antlaşması çare olabilir mi?
(Ramazan Çakmakcı, 2021)
Son yüzyıl içerisinde ortaya çıkan çevresel felaketler ve sorunlar, çözüm odaklı faaliyetlerin önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda uluslararası boyutta birçok toplantı ve antlaşmaların yapılmasını zorunlu hale gelmiştir. ...