Yazar "Cangül, İsmail Naci" için listeleme
Commutator subgroups of the extended Hecke groups H̄(λq)
Şahin, Recep; Bizim, Osman; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Springer Heidelberg, 2004)Hecke groups H(lambda(q)) are the discrete subgroups of PSL(2, R) generated by S(z) = -(z + lambda(q))(-1) and T(z) = -1/z. The commutator subgroup of H(lambda(q)), denoted by H'(lambda(q)), is studied in [2]. It was shown ... -
The connections between continued fraction representations of units and certain hecke groups
Şahin, Recep; İkikardeş, Sebahattin; Koruoğlu, Özden; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Soc, 2010)Let lambda = root D where D is a square free integer such that D = m(2)+1 for m = 1,3, 4, 5,..., or D = n(2) - 1 form = 2, 3, 4, 5,.... Also, let H(lambda) be the Hecke group associated to A. In this paper, we show that ... -
Determination of genus of normal subgroups of discrete groups
Cangül, İsmail Naci; Demirci, Musa; Yurttaş, Aysun; Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat (Amer Inst Physics, 2010)In this work, subgroups of a special class of discrete subgroups of PLS(2, R), namely the ones of the first kind with genus 0, have been studied. We establish a technique to compute the genus of these subgroups in terms ... -
Düzgün figürlerin sınıflandırılması
Güler, Neşe (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998){m,n} tipindeki bir düzgün figürden basitçe anlaşılan, uygun bir yüzey üzerinde her yüzü eşit sayıda kenara sahip ve her köşesinden eşit sayıda kenar çıkan üç boyutlu bir şekildir. Jones ve Singerman' in 1978 yılındaki ... -
Finite derivation type for graph products of monoids
Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Cangül, İsmail Naci; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan (Univ Nis, 2016)The aim of this paper is to show that the class of monoids of finite derivation type is closed under graph products. -
Generalization for estrada index
Güngör, Ayşe Dilek; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan; Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Amer Inst Physics, 2010)In this paper the Estrada index of Hermite matrix is firstly defined and investigated. In fact this is a natural generalization of Estrada, distance Estrada and Laplacian Estrada indices. Thus all properties about them can ... -
The graph based on Gröbner-Shirshov bases of groups
Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Springer, 2013)Let us consider groups G(1) = Z(k) * (Z(m) * Z(n)), G(2) = Z(k) x (Z(m) * Z(n)), G(3) = Z(k) * (Z(m) x Z(n)), G(4) = (Z(k) * Z(l)) * (Z(m) * Z(n)) and G(5) = (Z(k) * Z(l)) x (Z(m) * Z(n)), where k, l, m, n = 2. In this ... -
The group structure of bachet elliptic curves over finite fields f-p
İkikardeş, Nazlı Yıldız; Demirci, Musa; Soydan, Gökhan; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Univ Miskolc Inst Math, 2009)Bachet elliptic curves are the curves y(2) = x(3) + a(3) and, in this work, the group structure E(F-p) of these curves over finite fields F-p is considered. It is shown that there are two possible structures E(F-p) congruent ... -
Hecke grupları ve Farey dizileri
İpek, Ebru (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006)Bu tezin amacı Modüler grubun temel denklik alt grupları için elde edilmiş olan Farey dizilerini, iki önemli Hecke Grubunu tam denklik alt gruplarına genişletmek ve benzer diziler elde etmektir. Ayrıca Farey Matrisleri de ... -
The isomorphism between two fundamental groups by Cayley graphs
Let G1 and G2 be two finite groups and let Cay(G1, S1) and Cay(G2, S2) be the corresponding Cayley graphs of these groups, respectively. By [2] and [8], one can define the fundamental group π1 (Γ, v) by using any connected ... -
Kübik rezidüler
Namlı, Dilek (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001)Bu tezin amacı kuadratik rezidüler için literatürde geniş bir şekilde yer alan sonuçlan, kübik rezidüler için elde etmek ve bunlar yardımıyla üçüncü dereceden denklemlerin çözümleri ile ilgili yöntemler ortaya koymaktır. ... -
The minimal polynomials of 2cos(pi/2k) over the rationals
Demirci, Musa; İkikardeş, Nazlı Yıldız; Özgür, Birsen; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Amer Inst Physics, 2011)The number lambda(q) = 2cos pi/q, q is an element of N, q >= 3, appears in the study of Hecke groups which are Fuchsian groups of the first kind, and in the study of regular polyhedra. Here we obtained the minimal polynomial ... -
Modüler gruplar
Soydan, Gökhan (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001)Fuchs gruplarının en önemlisi olan modüler grubun incelenmesine 1820 li yıllarda Abel, Gauss ve Jacobi'nin eliptik fonksiyonları keşfetmesiyle başlanmıştır. Modüler grubun üst yan düzlemdeki hareketlerini çalışma isteği ... -
A new example of deficiency one groups
Çevik, Ahmet Sinan; Güngör, A. Dilek; Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Amer Inst Physics, 2010)The main purpose of this paper is to present a new example of deficiency one groups by considering the split extension of a finite cyclic group by a free abelian group having rank two. -
A new monoid construction under crossed products proceedings of the international congress in honour of professor Hari M. Srivastava
Emin, Ahmet; Ateş, Fırat; İkikardeş, Sebahattin; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Springeropen, 2013)In this paper we define a new monoid construction under crossed products for given monoids. We also present a generating set and a relator set for this product. Finally, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for ... -
The next step of the word problem over monoids
Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan; Cangül, İsmail Naci; Maden, Ayşe Dilek (Elsevier Science Inc, 2011)It is known that a group presentation P can be regarded as a 2-complex with a single 0-cell. Thus we can consider a 3-complex with a single 0-cell which is known as a 3-presentation. Similarly, we can also consider ... -
Normal subgroups of hecke groups h(lambda)
Koruoğlu, Özden; Şahin, Recep; İkikardeş, Sebahattin; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Springer, 2010)Let lambda >= 2 and let H(lambda) be the Hecke group associated to lambda. Also let H(lambda)\U be the Riemann surface associated to the Hecke group H(lambda). In this article, we study the even subgroup H(e)(lambda) and ... -
A note on the grobner-shirshov bases over ad-hoc extensions of groups
Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Urlu, Nurten; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Univ Nis, 2016)The main goal of this paper is to obtain (non-commutative) Grobner-Shirshov bases for monoid presentations of the knit product of cyclic groups and the iterated semidirect product of free groups. Each of the results here ... -
On the efficiency of semi-direct products of finite cyclic monoids by one-relator monoids
Ateş, Fırat; Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Güngör, A. Dilek; Cevik, Ahmet Sinan; Cangül, İsmail Naci (Amer Inst Physics, 2010)In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the efficiency of a standard presentation for the semi-direct product of finite cyclic monoids by one-relator monoids. -
On the norms of toeplitz and hankel matrices with pell numbers
Karpuz, Eylem Güzel; Ateş, Fırat; Güngör, A. Dilek; Cangül, İsmail Naci; Çevik, Ahmet Sinan (Amer Inst Physics, 2010)Let us define A = [a(ij)](i,j=0)(n-1) and B = [b(ij)](i,j=0)(n-1) as n x n Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, respectively, such that a(ij) = Pi-j and b(ij) = Pi+j, where P denotes the Pell number. We present upper and lower ...