Yazar "Uslu, Cihadiye Candal" için listeleme
C vitamininin 2-keto-L-gulonik asit molekülünden üretimi için farklı metotların araştırılması
Araştırmada farklı metotlar kullanılarak 2-keto-L-gulonik asit molekülünün esterifikasyonu ve laktonizasyonu ile ülkemizde ilk defa C vitamini üretiminin gerçekleştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda C vitamininin ... -
Comprehensive analysis of botanical origin and amino acid composition of bee pollen samples from various regions of Turkey
Mutlu, Ceren; Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Özkök, Aslı; Koç, Andaç; Özhanlı, Hazal; Akdeniz, Gökhan; Tontul, Sultan Arslan; Erbaş, Mustafa (Taylor and Francis, 2024)This study aimed to investigate the botanical diversity in bee pollen and amino acid composition of Turkish bee pollen samples collected from different regions. The monofloral bee pollen samples belonged to three different ... -
Expected glycemic impact and probiotic stimulating effects of whole grain flours of buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth and chia
Tontul, Sultan Arslan; Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Mutlu, Ceren; Erbaş, Mustafa (Springer India, 2021)Chia, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat grains have been widely used in food formulations because of their high and balanced nutritional properties. Since all grains are not equally nutritious, there is a requirement for ... -
Impact of inert and inhibitor baking atmosphere on HMF and acrylamide formation in bread
Gülcan, Ümmügülsüm; Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Mutlu, Ceren; Tontul, Sultan Arslan; Erba, Mustafa (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2020)The baking in N(2 )and CO2 atmosphere decreased by 50% the acrylamide, while this level was 99% in SO2. The highest acrylamide content was detected in the control sample as 39.03 mu g/kg. Additionally, the lowest HMF content ... -
A new gluten-free product: Brown rice bulgur, and its physical and chemical properties
Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Mutlu, Ceren; Koç, Andaç; Bilgin, Duygu Gizem; Erbaş, Mustafa (Wiley, 2021)In this research, a new alternative food product, defined as brown rice bulgur (BRB), rich in functional components compared to white rice and cooked in a short time compared to brown rice was developed for society especially ... -
Optimisation of catalytic oxidation conditions for the 2- keto-l-gulonic acid production using response surface methodology
Mutlu, Ceren; Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Erbaş, Mustafa (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)L-Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is a very important antioxidant ingredient situated many usage areas in different industries. 2-keto-L-gulonic acid (2-KLG) is the main precursor component of L-ascorbic acid ... -
Sorption isotherms of coffee in different stages for producing Turkish coffee
Mutlu, Ceren; Uslu, Cihadiye Candal; Büyükkurt, Özlem Kılıç; Erbaş, Mustafa (Wiley, 2020)The aim of this research was to determine the adsorption behavior of coffee as green and roasted beans and ground. For this aim, the static gravimetric method was used and samples were kept in the different water activity ...