Yazar "Kavut, Selçuk" için listeleme
(1057, 31)-Aralıklı dizilerden üretilen Boole fonksiyonlar
Kavut, Selçuk (2023)1983 yılında keşfedildikten itibaren günümüzde halen bilinen en yüksek doğrusal olmama değerine (16276) sahip olan 15-değişkenli Patterson-Wiedemann (PW) fonksiyonlarının, özel bir yapıda bulunan (151, 217)-aralıklı ... -
Bazı alt uzaylarda kriptografik açıdan eniyilenmiş büyük S-kutuları
Kavut, Selçuk (2022)Arama uzayının büyüklüğünden dolayı sezgisel arama algoritmaları, güçlü kriptografik özelliklere sahip S-kutularını elde etmek için literatürde genellikle sekiz ve daha küçük boyutlardaki uzaylarda uygulanmıştır. Bununla ... -
Classification of 6 x 6 s-boxes Obtained by concatenation of RSSBs
Kavut, Selçuk; Baloğlu, Sevdenur (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2017)We give an efficient exhaustive search algorithm to enumerate 6x6 bijective S-boxes with the best known nonlinearity 24 in a class of S-boxes that are symmetric under the permutation tau (x) = (x(0), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5), ... -
Construction and search of balanced Boolean functions on even number of variables towards excellent autocorrelation profile
Kavut, Selçuk; Maitra, Subhamoy; Tang, Deng (Springer, 2019)In a very recent work by Tang and Maitra (IEEE Ttans Inf Theory 64(1):393-402, 2018], a theoretical construction of balanced functions f on n-variables (n2has been presented. The theoretical bounds could be satisfied for ... -
Correction to the paper: Patterson-Wiedemann construction revisited
Kavut, Selçuk (Elsevier Science Bv, 2016)In the paper Patterson-Wiedemann construction revisited by Gangopadhyay et al. (2006), modifying an idempotent function f : GF(2(21)) -> GF(2), which corresponds to a (337, (127)(49))-interleaved sequence whose columns are ... -
The covering radii of a class of binary cyclic codes and some BCH codes
Kavut, Selçuk; Tutdere, Seher (Springer, 2019)In 2003, Moreno and Castro proved that the covering radius of a class of primitive cyclic codes over the finite field F2 having minimum distance 5 (resp. 7) is 3 (resp. 5). We here give a generalization of this result as ... -
Erratum: Patterson-Wiedemann construction revisited (Discrete Applied Mathematics (2006))
Kavut, Selçuk (Elsevier, 2016)In the paper Patterson–Wiedemann construction revisited by Gangopadhyay et al. (2006), modifying an idempotent function f : GF (2 21) → GF (2), which corresponds to a (337, (127)(49))-interleaved sequence whose columns ... -
A frequency-tuned magnetic resonance-based wireless power transfer system with near-constant efficiency up to 24 cm distance
Sis, Seyit Ahmet; Kavut, Selçuk (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2018)In magnetic resonance-based wireless power transfer systems, the main challenge arises from varying distances between coils during power transfer because distance variations ultimately reduce the power transfer efficiency. ... -
Genetic approach to improve cryptographic properties of balanced boolean functions using bent functions
Özçekiç, Erol; Kavut, Selçuk; Kutucu, Hakan (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)Recently, balanced Boolean functions with an even number n of variables achieving very good autocorrelation properties have been obtained for (Formula presented.). These functions attain the maximum absolute value in the ... -
Improved cryptographic properties of Boolean functions obtained from the neighbourhood of Patterson-Wiedemann functions
Kavut, Selçuk (Springer, 2023)More than a decade ago, the balanced and 1-resilient Boolean functions on 15 variables with the best known nonlinearities 16272 and 16264, respectively, were identifed by interpreting the Patterson-Wiedemann (PW) functions ... -
Intrinsic resiliency of s-boxes against side-channel attacks-best and worst scenarios
Carlet, Claude; Cherisey, Eloi de; Guilley, Sylvain; Kavut, Selçuk; Tang, Deng (IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2021)Constructing S-boxes that are inherently resistant against side-channel attacks is an important problem in cryptography. By using an optimal distinguisher under an additive Gaussian noise assumption, we clarify how a ... -
Makine öğrenmesi ile adres çözümleme protokolü sahteciliğinin tespiti
Ceylan, Mustafa Furkan (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2024)Adres Çözümleme Protokolü (Address Resolution Protocol - ARP), ağlardaki cihazların IP adreslerini MAC adreslerine dönüştürmek için kullanılan temel bir ağ protokolüdür. Ancak, bu protokolün doğası gereği güvenlik açısından ... -
Modified Patterson-Wiedemann construction
Kavut, Selçuk (Springer, 2023)The Patterson–Wiedemann (PW) construction, which is defined for an odd number n of variables with n being the product of two distinct prime numbers p and q, can be interpreted as idempotent functions which are represented ... -
Modifying maiorana-mcfarland type bent functions for good cryptographic properties and efficient implementation
Tang, Deng; Kavut, Selçuk; Mandal, Bimal; Maitra, Subhamoy (Siam Publications, 2019)Very recently, a class of cryptographically significant Boolean functions were constructed by Tang and Maitra [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64 ( 2018), pp. 393-402] by modifying the PSap class of bent functions. The basic ... -
New patterson wiedemann type functions with 15 variables in the generalized rotation-symmetric class
Kavut, Selçuk (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2017)Recently, it was shown that there is no Boolean function on 15 variables with nonlinearity greater than 16276 in the class of functions that are invariant under the action of GF(2(3))* x GF(2(5))*. In this study, we consider ... -
Patterson-wiedemann type functions on 21 variables with nonlinearity greater than bent concatenation bound
Kavut, Selçuk; Maitra, Subhamoy (IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc,, 2016)Nonlinearity is one of the most challenging combinatorial property in the domain of Boolean function research. Obtaining nonlinearity greater than the bent concatenation bound for odd number of variables continues to be ... -
Results on symmetric S-boxes constructed by concatenation of RSSBs
Kavut, Selçuk; Baloğlu, Sevdenur (Springer, 2019)In this paper, we first present an efficient exhaustive search algorithm to enumerate 6 x 6 bijective S-boxes with the best-known nonlinearity 24 in a class of S-boxes that are symmetric under the permutation (x) = (x(0), ... -
S-kutusu büyüklüğünün korelasyon güç analizi sonuçlarına etkisi
Kavut, Selçuk; Yargıcı, Yasin Reşit (2023)Simetrik bir kripto-sistemde küçük S-kutularının kullanımı, gömüldüğü donanımın güç tüketimini azaltmaktadır. Bu durumun yan kanal analizi (YKA) sonuçlarında gürültünün bozucu etkisini arttırdığı bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmamızda, ... -
A super-set of patterson-wiedemann functions: upper bounds and possible nonlinearities
Kavut, Selçuk; Maitra, Subhamoy; Özbudak, Ferruh (Siam Publications, 2018)Construction of Boolean functions on an odd number of variables with nonlinearity exceeding the bent concatenation bound is one of the most difficult combinatorial problems within the domain of Boolean functions. This ...