Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 503, listelenen: 461-480
Approximation by integral functions of finite degree in variable exponent lebesgue spaces on the real axis
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2018)We obtain several inequalities of approximation by integral functions of finite degree in generalized Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent defined on the real axis. Among them are direct, inverse, and simultaneous estimates ... -
Some fixed-point results on parametric N-b -metric spaces
(Korean Mathematical Soc, 2018)Our aim is to introduce the notion of a parametric N-b-metric and study some basic properties of parametric N-b-metric spaces. We give some fixed-point results on a complete parametric N-b-metric space. Some illustrative ... -
Inequalities for submanifolds in statistical manifolds of quasi-constant curvature
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Mathematics-Impan, 2018)We obtain inequalities for statistical submanifolds of a statistical manifold of quasi-constant curvature. We also obtain the Chen-Ricci inequality and the generalized Wintgen inequality for this type of submanifolds. -
Gradient ricci solitons on multiply warped product manifolds
(Univ Nis, 2018)We consider gradient Ricci solitons on multiply warped product manifolds. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for multiply warped product manifolds to be gradient Ricci solitons. -
Einstein statistical warped product manifolds
(Univ Nis, 2018)We consider Einstein statistical warped product manifolds I x(f) N, M x(f) N and M X-f I, where I, M and N are 1, m and n dimensional statistical manifolds, respectively. -
Approximation problems in the lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018)In the variable exponent Lebesgue space, the r-th modulus of smoothness (r = 1,2, ... ) is defined and in this term, the direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory are proved. Moreover, the constructive characterization ... -
European vanilla option pricing model of fractional order without singular kernel
(MDPI, 2018)Recently, fractional differential equations (FDEs) have attracted much more attention in modeling real-life problems. Since most FDEs do not have exact solutions, numerical solution methods are used commonly. Therefore, ... -
Rotational surfaces in higher dimensional euclidean spaces
(Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2018)In the present study we consider the generalized rotational surfaces in Euclidean m-space E-m. Firstly, we introduce some basic concepts of second fundamental form and curvatures of the surfaces in E-m. Further, we obtained ... -
A new coding/decoding algorithm using fibonacci numbers
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2018)In this paper, we present a new method of coding/decoding algorithms using Fibonacci Q-matrices. This method is based on the blocked message matrices. The main advantage of our model is the encryption of each message matrix ... -
Grobner-shirshov bases of the generalized bruck-reilly *-extension
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2012)In this paper we first define a presentation for the generalized Bruck-Reilly *-extension of a monoid and then we work on its Grobner-Shirshov bases. -
Solutions of partial differential equations using the fractional operator involving Mittag-Leffler kernel
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018)In this paper, time-fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) involving singular and nonsingular kernel are considered. We have obtained the approximate analytical solution for linear and nonlinear FPDEs using the ... -
The picard theorem on s-metric spaces
(Springer, 2018)Recently, the notion of an S-metric space is defined and extensively studied as a generalization of a metric space. In this paper, we define the notion of the S-infinity-space and prove its completeness. We obtain a new ... -
Jackson and Inverse inequalities in rearrangement invariant banach function spaces on dini-smooth domains
(Inst Math & Mechanics Azerbaijan, 2018)In this work we obtain some Jackson type direct theorem and converse theorem of polynomial approximation with respect to fractional order moduli of smoothness in rearrangement invariant quasi Banach function spaces (RIQBFS) ... -
A new generalization of metric spaces: rectangular M-metric spaces
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018)In this paper, we introduce the concept of the rectangular M-metric spaces, along with its topology and we prove some fixed-point theorems under different contraction principles with various techniques. The obtained results ... -
Common fixed points of continuous mappings on s-metric spaces
(Maik Nauka/Interperiodica, 2018)The aim of this paper is to obtain some common fixed point results on an S-metric space. For this purpose, we prove new generalized common fixed point theorems using the notions of weak commutation, compatibility, and ... -
New types of f-c-contractions and the fixed-circle problem
(MDPI, 2018)In this paper we investigate some fixed-circle theorems using C ' iric ' ' s technique ( resp. Hardy-Rogers' technique, Reich's technique and Chatterjea's technique) on a metric space. To do this, we define new types of ... -
On f-Biharmonic Curves
(Int Electronic Journal Geometry, 2018)We study f-biharmonic curves in Sol spaces, Cartan-Vranceanu 3-dimensional spaces, homogeneous contact 3-manifolds and we analyze non-geodesic f-biharmonic curves in these spaces. -
Some inverse and simultaneous approximation theorems in weighted variable exponent lebesgue spaces
(Springer, 2018)In this work we prove some inverse and simultaneous approximation theorems in the weighted variable exponent Lebesgue space and discuss the constructive description problems in the generalized Lipschitz subclasses. -
Maximal convergence of Faber Series in Smirnov Classes with variable exponent
(Springer, 2018)The maximal convergence properties of the partial sums of the Faber series in the variable exponent Smirnov classes are investigated. -
On a class of Para-Sakakian manifolds
(2005)In this study, we investigate Weyl-pseudosymmetric Para-Sasakian manifolds and Para-Sasakian manifolds satisfying the condition C.S=0.