Fuzzy logic approach for layered architecture cognitive radio systems
Cross layer design seems to be one of the most fundamental characteristics of next generation wireless networks and cognitive networks. Traditional layered architecture still exists and seems to be present in different forms in future as will. One should keep in mind that traditional architecture solves many problems even though they might be suboptimal solutions however crucial shortcomings still exist and hinders the evolution of wireless communications from being completely adaptive and cognitive. Therefore, it is wiser to maintain the fundamental structure of layers in different forms especially modifying the algorithmic order. In addition, an extra block that operates whenever necessary by carrying out cross layer tasks. This way cross layer can be achieved through the use if this extra block in order to fully utilize both traditional architecture and the use of this extra block. A decision mechanism are required sitting conceptually between these two. This mechanism switches accordingly depending on the complexity of the problem considered and solution required in the light of constraints present such as relative power, battery consumption, computational complexity and so on.