The effect of diabetes symptoms on quality of life in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Objective. This study aimed to investigate the effect of symptoms of diabetes on the quality of life of individuals with Type 2 diabetes.
Method. The study used a cross-sectional design. No sampling procedure was employed in the study; instead, 410 individuals presenting to the Balikesir Ataturk City Hospital Endocrinology and Internal Medicine Polyclinics between December 2016 and July 2017, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and meeting the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study sample. The study data were collected with a "Socio-demographic Characteristics Questionnaire", the "Diabetes Symptom Checklist", and the "SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire".
Results. The participants obtained the highest mean scores from the hyperglycemia subscale of the Diabetes Symptoms Checklist (3.35 +/- 0.60) and the mental health subscale of the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire (50.65 +/- 8.10). The hypoglycemia, cardiology, psychology, and neurology variables included in the model were statistically significant and predicted 35% of the mental subscale score of the SF 36 questionnaire. SF 36 physical subscale score increased as the hypoglycemia, cardiology, psychology, and neurology scores decreased (p<0.05).
Conclusion. The participants obtained high scores from the hyperglycemia subscale of the diabetes symptom checklist and mental health subscale of the quality of life questionnaire. Diabetes symptoms were found to affect the quality of life of individuals with diabetes.