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Basit öğe kaydını göster

dc.contributor.authorÇetin, Onat
dc.contributor.authorIşık, Özkan
dc.contributor.authorBeyleroğlu, Malik
dc.contributor.authorTokul, Erdi
dc.contributor.authorHazar, Muhsin
dc.identifier.issn1318-2269 - 2232-4062
dc.descriptionIşık, Özkan (Balikesir Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to examine the effects of two different defensive based playing formations (3-Defender formation and 4-Defender formation) on both the reference and the opponent teams' running activity profiles. 8 official matches (n=4, 3-Defender formation; n=4, 4-Defender formation) of Galatasaray football team (Turkish Super League) and opposition teams performed with two different playing formations were monitored. The sample matches were monitored and analyzed using a multiple-camera computerized tracking system. Running activity data variables obtained from the software were analyzed in 5 different categories (total running distance in kilometers, mean speed in km.h(-1), high-intensity running (20 km.h(-1) to 24 km.h(-1)) distance in meters, sprint (>24 km.h(-1)) distance, sprint numbers. The results of this study indicate that running activity profiles of reference and opposition teams generally do not differ (p >0.05) according to the different game formation of the reference team. Only the reference team's total running distance was higher (p <0.05) in the 4-Defender formation than the 3-Defender formation (2.52%).en_US
dc.description.abstractNamen študije je bil preučiti učinke dveh različnih obrambnih igralnih formacij (3 obrambna formacija in 4 obrambna formacija) tako na referenčnih profilih kot na profilih tekaških aktivnosti nasprotnih ekip. Spremljali smo 8 uradnih tekem (n = 4, 3 obrambna formacija; n = 4, 4 obrambna formacija) nogometne ekipe Galatasaray (turška superliga) in nasprotne ekipe, ki so nastopile z dvema različnima formacijama. Vzorčne ujemanje smo spremljali in analizirali z računalniškim sistemom, ki za sledenje uporablja več kamer. Spremenljivke podatkov o tekaški aktivnosti, pridobljene s programsko opremo, so bile analizirane v 5 različnih kategorijah (skupna razdalja teka v kilometrih, povprečna hitrost v km.h-1 , tek z visoko intenzivnostjo (20 km.h-1 do 24 km.h-1 ) razdalja v metrih, sprinterska (> 24 km.h1 ) razdalja, število sprintov. Rezultati te študije kažejo, da se profili tekaških aktivnosti referenčnih in nasprotnih ekip na splošno ne razlikujejo (p> 0,05) glede na različno obliko igre je bila skupna tekaška razdalja referenčne ekipe v 4 obrambni formaciji višja (p <0,05) kot v 3 obrambni formaciji (2,52%).en_US
dc.publisherUniv Ljubljana, Fac Sporten_US
dc.subjectPlaying Formationen_US
dc.subjectRunning Activity Profileen_US
dc.subjectTime-Motion Analysisen_US
dc.subjectIgralna Formacijaen_US
dc.subjectProfil Tekaške Aktivnostien_US
dc.subjectAnaliza Časovnega Gibanjaen_US
dc.titleA comparison of two different defensive based playing formations on the running activity profiles of soccer teamsen_US
dc.title.alternativePrimerjava dveh različnih obrambenih igralnih formacij na tekalno zmogljivost nogometaševen_US
dc.relation.journalKinesiologia Slovenicaen_US
dc.contributor.departmentSpor Bilimleri Fakültesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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