The effect of single walled carbon nanotubes on conductivity and thermal properties of glass fiber reinforced composites
This paper reports on a comprehensive study of the effect of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT)
on the alternating current (AC) conductivity, thermal and morphological properties of the
unsaturated polyester based glass fiber reinforced polymer composite (GFRPC). AC conductivity
measurements were carried out using the impedance spectrum and thermal measurements were
carried out using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) at a temperature range of 24 °C–900 °C and
heating rates of 20 °C min−1
. Impedance results showed that the conductivity behavior in the
nanotube-loaded composite laminate obeys a Jonscher-type mechanism. At low frequencies, the
conductivity value remains almost constant for the doped material and takes the value of 10−5 S cm−1
It is observed that the AC conductivity starts to increase after the critical frequency value of
approximately 103 Hz and increases up to 10−2 S cm−1 due to hopping and tunneling mechanisms
caused by space charge polarization accumulated in the local regions at high frequencies. The pure
material with an insulating nature also exhibited a typical insulating behavior. Thermal testing showed
that nanotube reinforcement increases thermal conductivity in three different directions. DSC
thermocurves analysis also revealed that the addition of carbon nanotubes increased the glass
transition temperature of the material from 180 °C to 190 °C. The scaling and fractal analysis methods
were also applied to obtain hetero morphological structure of materials. The fractal analysis results
indicated that carbon nanotube doping to the standard sample increases the coating rates, scalability
and heterogeneity of the solid phase surface of the sample. The coating rates of composite surfaces
were calculated as 45% and 36%, respectively. Morphology analysis revealed that the probability of
finding surface particles for the nanotube-doped sample decreased compared to the undoped sample,
but the fractal dimension value increased. While this value was 1.83 in the pure sample, it increased to
1.92 in the nanotube material.