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dc.contributor.authorKahraman, Sedat
dc.contributor.authorPolat, İbrahim Ethem
dc.contributor.authorGökçe, Sinan
dc.contributor.authorOral, Ali
dc.identifier.issn2366-2557 / 2366-2565
dc.descriptionOral, Ali Balikesir Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractA small square baler is a piece of machinery used to compact, compress, and cut hay and other materials into square-shaped bales. These machines are usually pulled from the side of the tractor by the tractor and driven from the tractor PTO. These machines, which move next to the tractor, occupy a larger area in the field. In this project, a chopper system will be designed for in-line small square balers that will work center of the tractor track width. Chopper is a shredding system used to cut stem part of the grass into smaller pieces that has been harvested and spread on the field. The farmers prefer the bale system with chopper, stating that the small grass is eaten more easily by the animal. In-line small square balers with chopper system is used to produce bales with small grain sizes, while reducing time and labor costs during the feed preparation stage. At regular small square balers, prong system which sends the grass to the bale chamber, carries the grass to the bale chamber by dragging it from the side, the gearbox works slower (output speed = 92 rpm), at in-line small square balers, the fork system will work faster (102 rpm) as it will work together with the rotor. This will reduce unit costs by producing approximately 10% more products at the same power value. In the developed in-line small square baler, there is a movable counter under the rotor that can be opened and closed with hydraulic drive when necessary, enabling working with or without knives, and movable knives that can be removed and mounted inside the movable counter. The use of the machine with or without cutting blades is ensured by the up or down position of the blades in the moving contra. When this system is overloaded and clogged, the system is protected by a safety clutch to prevent any damage to the system. In the system we have developed, the chopper system can be disassembled from the machine with the retracting of the pick-up system, the machine can also be used without chopper system. With this study, in-line small square baler with chopper system design will be developed and prototype production will be made after design verification studies. In-line small square baler with chopper system is not available in the national or international market. This machine, which will be developed by Paksan Makina R&D Center, is an innovation for our country and the world.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer International Publishing Agen_US
dc.subjectChopper Systemen_US
dc.subjectSquare Baleren_US
dc.titleChopper system for in-line small square balersen_US
dc.relation.journal15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agricultureen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMühendislik Fakültesien_US

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