Older adults' metaphorical perceptions of aging in Turkey
PURPOSE: To determine older adults' metaphorical perceptions of the concept of METHOD: Participants in this qualitative study comprised 57 older adults as determined using convenience and criterion sampling methods. Data were obtained using a personal data form and the metaphor form and analyzed with descriptive and content analysis techniques. RESULTS: Fifty-seven metaphors were identified within three themes: 24 within Mental Aspect, 18 within Physical Aspect, and 15 within Psychosocial Aspect. CONCLUSION: The fact that most metaphors appeared within the Mental Aspect theme was interpreted as an indication that participants felt the effects of aging more in the mental dimension. Results of the research show that aging is perceived as experience and accumulation mentally, as inadequacy physically, and as the end or loneliness psychosocially. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 50(5), 27-34.]