Güncel Gönderiler: İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 77, listelenen: 41-60
Simulating nature: a philosophical study of computer-simulation uncertainties and their role in climate science and policy advice, 2nd edition
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)This book can be considered a conceptual book forhigh level graduate students as well as scholars fromclimatology-related fields who wish to understandthe philosophy underlying computer-based simula-tion of climate. -
Experimental investigation on the effects of submerged breakwaters on tsunami run-up height
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2011)Irtem,E., Seyfioglu,E. and Kabdash,S., 2011. Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Submerged Breakwaters on Tsunami Run-up Height. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal ... -
A study of tsunami reflection on not-armoured and armoured beach
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2011)Gedik, N., Irtem, E. and Kabdasli, M.S., 2011. A study of tsunami reflection on not-armoured and armoured beach. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (PROCEEDINGS of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), 506 - 510. ... -
Numerical modeling and site investigation on water body movements in Ayvalik Bay, Turkey
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation,, 2011)Water body movements in bays and seas should also be determined for the solution of many engineering problems. This study aims to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the movements of the water body in Ayvalik ... -
A fuzzy logic model for benchmarking the knowledge management performance of construction firms
(Canadian Science Publishing, 2011)Knowledge management is rapidly becoming a key organizational capability for creating competitive advantage in the construction industry. The emergence of knowledge management in this capacity poses enormous challenges to ... -
Investigation of Balıkesir plain irrigation
(Gazi Üniv, 2011)It is required to utilize water in an optimum way without wasting in order irrigation network which is constructed with huge amount of investment and labour force to serve with the best productive manner at agriculture ... -
Utilization of waste glass as sand replacement in cement mortar
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2011)In this study, alkali silica reaction (ASR) expansion and strength characteristics of mortar containing waste glasses are analyzed in terms of waste glass content and glass color. Three different colors of waste glasses ... -
Performance evaluations of a geothermal power plant
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011)Thermodynamic analysis of an operational 7.5 MWe binary geothermal power plant in Tuzla-Turkey is performed, through energy and exergy, using actual plant data to assess its energetic and exergetic performances. Eight ... -
Evaluating the knowledge management practices of construction firms by using importance-comparative performance analysis maps
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2011)The emergence of the effective management of knowledge resources as a key factor in gaining and sustaining competitive advantage presents new challenges to construction firms. Evaluating knowledge management practices is ... -
Coastal protection measures for tsunami disaster reduction
(Nova Science Publishers, 2010)Tsunami may be generated by earthquake triggered movement of the sea bottom, landslides and collapses. It has caused great impacts on human life and coastal environments, including massive loss of human life, devastation ... -
Investigation of effects of nonlinear static analysis procedures to performance evaluation on low-rise rc buildings
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2009)The aim of the study is to compare and evaluate structural response demands obtained from nonlinear static analysis procedures (NSPs) which are displacement coefficient method (DCM) recommended in FEMA 356 and capacity ... -
Analysis and comparison of the forces by the nonlinear long waves on the piled system at Derince Port Turkey
(İnternational Society Offshore& Polar Engineers, 2001)The pile system of the ship berthing structure at Derince Port was damaged by the August 17, 1999 Izmit earthquake. The reasons might the earthquake shaking and the effect tsunami waves in Izmit Bay, Turkey. Tsunami, is a ... -
The combined usage of ground waste glass with an industrial by-product in manufacturing portland cement mortar
(Ice Publ, 2010)The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of using a combination of ground waste glass and fly ash as a replacement for Portland cement in the manufacture of mortar. Ground waste glass with an average ... -
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Rapid Delta Formation, Turkish coast
(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2002)The morphology of river mouths can be completely changed by dramatic flow changes caused by climate changes in catchment basins. Agricultural activities that overexploit water produce changes in sediment discharge that are ... -
Wavelet neural network model for reservoir inflow prediction
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012)In this study, a Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) model is proposed for monthly reservoir inflow prediction by combining the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm-based Feed Forward ... -
Flexural behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber reinforcedconcrete beams with low and high reinforcement ratios
(ERNST & SOHN, 2018)In the study, the effects of using ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) on deflection and curvature ductilities, moment capacities, flexural stiffness, and cracking behaviors of beams were experimentally ... -
Balıkesir-Çaygören rezervuarının sedimentasyon açısından incelenmesi
(2000)Bu çalışmada, Balıkesir-Çaygören Rezervuarının sedimentasyon durumu incelenmiştir. Çaygören Barajı, Balıkesir ili sınırları içinde, sulama ve taşkın kontrolü amaçlı inşa edilmiş olup; bu toprak dolgu baraj bölgede sedimentasyon ... -
Puzolan katkılı çimentoların beton olgunluğuna etkisi
(2004)Olgunluk kavramı, betonda sıcaklık ve zamanın ortak etkisini ele alarak betonun dayanımını tahmin eden bir yöntemdir. Olgunluk kavramına göre, aynı olgunluk değerine sahip beton numuneleri, hangi sıcaklık ve zamanın ortak ... -
Kıyılarda tatlı su- tuzlu su girişimi
(1996)Bu çalışmada öncelikle kıyılarda tatlı su - tuzlu su girişimi ile ilgili daha önce yapılmış, denize boşalan yeraltı suyuna ait bağıntıların da bulunduğu çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Daha sonra tatlı su tuzlu su girişimini ... -
Tsunaminin geçirimli kıyılardaki tırmanma yüksekliğinin deneysel incelenmesi
(2005)Tsunamiler depremlerle tetiklenebilen zemin hareketleri, heyelanlar, kayma, göçme, çökme gibi olaylar ile oluşabilmektedir. Bu dalgalar kıyı batimetrisindeki değişimle birlikte iç kısımlara doğru ilerleyerek büyük hasarlara ...