Güncel Gönderiler: Klinik Öncesi Bilimler Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 120, listelenen: 101-120
Does protocatechuic acid, a natural antioxidant, reduce renal ischemia reperfusion injury in rats?
(Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2017)BACKGROUND: Protocatechuic acid (PCA), which has antioxidant property, is a simple phenolic compound commonly found in many plants, vegetables, and fruits, notably in green tea and almonds. Present study was an investigation ... -
Determination of presence of equid alpha and gammaherpesvirus infections in foals with respiratory distress
(Ankara Univ Press, 2018)The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of equid herpesviruses and to elucidate the possible mutual effects of equid alpha and gammaherpesviruses in an outbreak of respiratory tract disease in foals in a ... -
Effect of taurodehydrocholic acid on the hepatic expression of abcg5 and abcg8 and biliary parameters in the fistula rat
(Carbone Editore, 2018)Introduction: Biliary secretion of phospholipids and cholesterol is mainly dependent on bile-salt secretion although the exact mechanisms involved are not clearly defined. Aims: This study was to investigate the effect ... -
Plasma dispositions and concentrations of ivermectin in eggs following treatment of laying hens
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018)AIMS: To determine the plasma disposition and concentrations of ivermectin (IVM) in eggs produced by laying hens following S/C, oral and I/V administration.METHODS: Twenty-four laying hens, aged 37 weeks and weighing 1.73 ... -
Antibacterial effect of different concentrations of silver nanoparticles
(Univ Agriculture, 2018)Silver has been in use since time immemorial in the form of metallic silver, silver nitrate, silver sulfadiazine for the treatment of burns, wounds and several bacterial infections. Silver has long been known to show a ... -
Immunohistochemical and molecular detection of mannheimia spp. and pasteurella spp. in sheep with pneumonia in Kars province - Turkey
(Kafkas Univ., 2018)In this investigation, presence of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida in sheep brought to Kafkas University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine between 2011 and 2013 with a suspicion of pneumonia was studied by ... -
The investigation of the presence of some bacterial and viral agents in pearl mullet (chalcalburnus tarichii, pallas 1811) by real-time pcr and the histopathological examination
(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2018)The aim of this study was to identify some bacterial (Vibrio cholerae, Listonella anguillarum, Yersinia ruckeri, Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas sobria and Aeromonas caviae) and viral (infectious pancreatic necrosis virus, ... -
Long-term study (2005-2010) on the vaccination with bohv-1 glycoprotein e-deleted marker vaccine in selected two dairy herds in Turkey
(Springer, 2018)A follow-up study from 2005 to 2010 was carried out in two herds where eradication programme for the bovine herpes virus-1 (BoHV-1) infection depends on the vaccination with inactivated glycoprotein E-deleted vaccine that ... -
Microbiological contamination of honeys from different sources in Turkey
(Research Inst Pomology Floriculture, 2018)Honey samples obtained by beekeepers taken from thirty-five different apiaries in Turkey's region of Marmara were investigated for the presence of microorganism. Each honey sample was examined for the number of total aerobic ... -
Oxidative and immunohistochemical changes in various tissues of rats exposed to cigarette smoking
(Sci Printers & Publ Inc., 2018)OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether exposure to cigarette smoke causes histopathological changes in tissues of the heart, liver, kidney, testis, spleen, brain, and lung just after exposure, and whether smoke and smoking ... -
Phylogenetic analysis of black queen cell virus and deformed wing virus in honeybee colonies infected by mites in Van, Eastern Turkey
(Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, 2018)This study aimed to determine the presence and prevalence of viral and parasitic infections causing high rates of colony loss in honey bee colonies in Van province, eastern Turkey. Twenty-six different apiaries were collected ... -
Effects of different doses of Prunus laurocerasus L. leaf extract on oxidative stress, hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia induced by type I diabetes
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2018)The fruits and leaves of the Prunus laurocerasus (PL) plant are used in traditional medicine for many purposes because of their anti-diabetic properties. This study aimed to determine the anti-hyperglycaemic, anti-hyperlipidaemic, ... -
Seroprevalence of visna-maedi virus (vmv) and border disease virus (bdv) in van province and around
(Arquivo Brasileiro Medicina Veterinaria Zootecnia, 2018)The present study investigated the seroprevalance of Visna Maedi Virus (VMV) and Border Disease Virus (BDV) infections in sheeps in regions in and around Van province, Turkey. Sample materials were taken from 360 sheep ... -
The protective effect of resveratrol in experimentally induced non-sterile clean wound inflammation in rats
(2013)Deneysel steril olmayan temiz yara tekniği ile indüklenmiş inflamasyona sahip sıçanlarda, resveratrolün hematolojik ve biyokimyasal parametrelere olan etkisi araştırıldı. Yirmidört adet, 250-300 g ağırlığında Wistar-Albino ... -
ELISA ve fekal bakteriyoskopi ile sığırlarda paratuberküloz prevalansının belirlenmesi
(2014)Bu çalışmada Afyon ve civarındaki çiftliklerden 4-8 yaş arasındaki 305 Holstein Fresian sütçü sığırlar kullanılmıştır. Bu sığırların iki tanesinde kronik diare şikayeti mevcuttu ve yapılan tedaviye cevap vermemiştir. ... -
Seroprevalence and economic significance of hypodermosis in cattle in Diyarbakır province
(2016)Amaç: Bu çalışma Türkiye'nin güneydoğu bölgesinde yer alan Diyarbakır ilinde sığır hypodermosis'in seroprevalansını ve neden olduğu ekonomik kaybı ortaya koymak için yürültülmüştür. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın yapıldığı ... -
Bal arılarında yavru çürüklüğü ve kireç hastalığına bağlı koloni kayıpları
(2016)Bu çalışmanın amacı, Bursa bölgesinde 2011-2013 yıllarında yavru çürüklüğü ve kireç hastalığının koloni kayıpları üzerine etkisini araştırarak değerlendirilmesidir. Bu çalışma, Anadolu arısı (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) ile ... -
Üç sığırda oküler yassı hücreli karsinom olgusu
(2017)Bu makalede üç sığırda görülen oküler yassı hücreli karsinom olgusunun klinik ve histopatolojik bulguları ile uygulanan sağaltım sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma materyalini; 5 yaşlı Simental melezi boğa ... -
Güney Marmara Bölgesi 'nde arıcılık anket çalışması
(2017)Bu çalışma Güney Marmara Bölgesi'nde Yalova, Bilecik, Bursa, Balıkesir ve Çanakkale'deki arıcıların genel özelliklerini belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Seksen arıcıya anket soruları yöneltilmiştir. Çalışmada arıcıların elde ... -
Isolation of agents of diarrhea in ostriches
(2017)Bu çalışmada ishalli devekuşlarından alınan fekal svaplardan etken izolasyonu yapmak amaçlandı. Toplam 42 ishalli deve kuşundan fekal örnekler alındı. Örneklerden 38 (%90,47) tanesi saf kültür, 4 (%9,52) karışık kültür ...