Bağımsızlık-yaratıcılık-geçim üçgeninde sanatçı
Ever since the old ages, art and the artist are in a battle of existence. In parallel to the challenge for having the power of their art accepted and keeping their creativity alive, they have to manage both working independently and supporting themselves and their family. In this paper, the approach to this structure in the Middle Age and Renaissance is handled, and later on, the relation between the artist and economy is evaluated with several examples of artists' activites critisizing the economical issues of art in the 20th century. Ever since the old ages, art and the artist are in a battle of existence. In parallel to the challenge for having the power of their art accepted and keeping their creativity alive, they have to manage both working independently and supporting themselves and their family. In this paper, the approach to this structure in the Middle Age and Renaissance is handled, and later on, the relation between the artist and economy is evaluated with several examples of artists' activites critisizing the economical issues of art in the 20th century.