Güncel Gönderiler: Madencilik ve Maden Çıkarma-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 33, listelenen: 21-33
Effects of bivalent salts on the flotation separation of Na-feldspar from K-feldspar
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2003)Despite similarities in the physical and physico-chemical properties of Na- and K-feldspars, their flotation separation with monovalent ions exhibited a reasonable success. Further studies have been therefore initiated to ... -
Occurrence and properties of natron in the Miocene lacustrine Beypazari basin, Turkey
(E Schweızerbartsche Verlags, 2003)Natron, Na2CO3 . 10H(2)O, is a rarely forming evaporite mineral, which precipitates under the unique physicochemical conditions of Na wt.%, temperature and HCO3/CO3. Natron is observed in the upper parts of the lower trona ... -
Selective separation of sodium and potassium feldspar minerals from orebodies
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2004)Feldspar minerals are major commodities used in the production of glass and ceramics. A major proportion of feldspar rocks such as granites, pegmatites and nepheline syenites embody both Na-feldspar (Albite) and K-feldspar ... -
Application of Support Vector Machines and Relevance Vector Machines in Predicting Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Volcanic Rocks
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2014)The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of intact rocks is an important and pertinent property for characterizing a rock mass. It is known that standard UCS tests are destructive, expensive and time-consuming task, which ... -
Determination of grindability characteristics of zeolite
(Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011)In this study grindability of zeolite was studied. The work index of zeolite was determined for three different test sieves. In terms of work indexes, there was insignificant difference between the test sieves. Additionally, ... -
Beneficiation of quartz waste by flotation and by ultrasonic treatment
(Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2011)Quartz is one of the most important industrial minerals used in glass and ceramic industries and high quality quartz are preferred. Impurities from quartz are usually removed by magnetic separation or flotation. This study ... -
Effect of H2O2 and nash addition to change the electrochemical potential in flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite minerals
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011)The floatability of sulfide minerals can be affected by the redox conditions on particle surface and in the pulp and can be used as one of the parameters for the separation of sulfide minerals. In the present study, the ... -
A study of surface morphology of small magnesite ore blocks using numerical computations
(Gebruder Borntraeger, 2016)Determination of morphological structure of natural ore is an important concept. Although there are many studies related to the determination of the chemical structure of minerals, there has not been much work about the ... -
Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks, and clay mineralogy and genesis of underclays, Sile Region, Istanbul, Turkey
(E Schweizerbartsche Verlags, 2002)In the bile Region, the basement rocks are represented by Lower-Middle Devonian limestones, gradually grading upward into shale; Mesozoic rocks composed of Lower Triassic basal conglomerates and sandstones, and Upper ... -
Understanding the flotation separation of Na and K feldspars in the presence of KCl through ion exchange and ion adsorption
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2018)Flotation is the only technique that enables the selective separation of Na and K feldspar minerals from each other. In this study, the flotation separation of Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (microcline) minerals were ... -
Ercan taşocağı delme patlatma verimliliğinin değerlendirmesi
(2015)Taşocağı açık işletmeciliği kazı, basamak oluşturma, delme-patlatma ve yükleme-taşıma yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmektedir. Taşocağı işletmeciliğinin ilk adımını kazı, sonraki adımını ise kırma eleme oluşturmaktadır. Kırıcıya ... -
En küçük kareler destek vektör makineleri (LS-SVM) kullanarak kaya malzemesi tanjant elastisite modülünün tahmini
(2016)Kaya malzemesi tanjant elastisite modülü kaya mühendisliği tasarım problemlerinin çözümünde önemli bir parametredir. Elastisite modülünün standart laboratuvar deneyleriyle belirlenmesi zor, pahalı ve zaman alıcı bir iştir. ... -
Madenciliğin yerel ekonomilere katkısı ve bazı sektörlerle karşılaştırmalı analizi: Balıkesir örneği
(2016)Madencilik, insanoğlunun ilk uğraş alanıdır. İnsanoğlunun kayaçları tanıması ve işlemesi, onun mineralleri ve madenleri de tanımasına ve işlemesine giden yolu da açmıştır. Madencilik sektörü, Türkiye'nin sanayileşmesi, ...