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dc.contributor.authorİrtem, Emel
dc.contributor.authorGedik, Nuh
dc.contributor.authorYalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet
dc.descriptionİrtem, Emel (Balikesir Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe pile system of the ship berthing structure at Derince Port was damaged by the August 17, 1999 Izmit earthquake. The reasons might the earthquake shaking and the effect tsunami waves in Izmit Bay, Turkey. Tsunami, is a special type of the wave and can be generated by the sea bottom deformation related to generally the earthquake or the earthquake triggered mass failure mechanisms. These kind of waves in shallow regions are assumed to resemble the solitary, cnoidal or N-waves. Theoretical approaches for the solution of run-up problems of tsunamis showed that the shape of the wave Is important (Tedepalli and Synolakis, 1994, Synolakis, 2001). The similar comparison may be made for the forces on the structure. The computation of the forces and displacements on the piled structures according to the attack of long waves can help to discuss the damage occurred at the piled system at Derince Port In this study by using the observed tsunami wave characteristics in Izmit bay, different type of long wave theories are applied to compute the forces and displacements on the damaged piled system at Derince Port. The reasons of the damage of the piled system are discussed by comparing the computed forces and displacements.en_US
dc.publisherİnternational Society Offshore& Polar Engineersen_US
dc.subjectPiled Systemen_US
dc.subjectLong Wavesen_US
dc.subjectForces Due To Wavesen_US
dc.subjectDerince Porten_US
dc.subjectIzmit Earthquakeen_US
dc.titleAnalysis and comparison of the forces by the nonlinear long waves on the piled system at Derince Port Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalProceedings of The Eleventh (2001) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol IIIen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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