Güncel Gönderiler: İlahiyat Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 88, listelenen: 41-60
Senkretik bir hareket olarak Mesihi Yahudilik
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2020)Mesihi Yahudilik, Protestan misyonerlerin Yahudilere yönelik Hıristiyanlaştırma faaliyeti sonucunda din değiştiren Yahudilerin zamanla kendi dini ve milli değerlerinden vazgeçmeden İsa’nın (Yeşua) tanrısal oğul ve beklenen ... -
Kurtubî’nin Kur’an’ın Sünnet’le tefsir edilmesi yöntemini uygulama biçimi: müfessirin kullandığı muhtelif araç ve teknikler perspektifinden
(Çorum Çağrı Eğitim Vakfı, 2020)Tefsir, hadis ve fıkıh âlimi Ebû Abdillâh Muhammed b. Ahmed el-Kurtubî (ö. 671/1273), el-Câmi‘ li-ahkâmi’l-Kur’ân adlı ahkâma ağırlık verdiği tefsirinde rivayet ve dirayet yöntemlerini birbirini tamamlar şekilde ve ... -
İmam Cafer Es-Sadık’a nisbet edilen Buyruk’ta yer alan ayetler üzerine bir inceleme
(Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, 2020)Bu makalede Anadolu’da yaşayan Alevi ve Bektaşi toplulukların yazılı dini kültüründe önemli bir yeri olan, kısaca “Buyruk” yahut “İmam Cafer Sadık Buyruğu” adıyla anılan kitaptaki ayetler tespit edilip; Sünni ve Şii ... -
Hicrî ilk asırdan bir hoca-öğrenci portresi: Hz. ʻAişemesrûḳ B. El-Ecdaʻ
(Hüseyin Okur, 2020)Bu makalede Hz. ʻÂişe ile Mesrûḳ b. el-Ecdaʻ arasındaki çok özel Hoca-Öğrenci ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Mesrûḳ’un rivâyetlerindeki satır arası bilgilerin bir arada göz önüne alınmasıyla ortaya çıkan bu ilişki sahâbenin tabiûna ... -
Gönenli Mehmet Efendi’nin hayatı, kişiliği ve eğitim anlayışı
(İntaç Eğitim Danışmanlık, 2020)Gonenli Mehmet Efendi (1903-1991), who lived in the Republican period, is a versatile religious educator who played an active role in different fields with his duties as imam-hatip, preacher, Qur'an course instructor, ... -
Din ve değerler eğitimi açısından Majid Majidi’nin filmleri üzerine bir inceleme (“Hz. Muhammed: Allah’ın Elçisi” filmi örneği)
(Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, 2020)In this study, Iranian director and screenwriter Majid Majidi’s “Muhammed: The Messenger of God” movie, is aimed to be examined in terms of religious-value education. In this context, the life and works of Majidi are briefly ... -
A study on the verses in the text titled buyruq attributed to imam ja'far al-sādiq
(Ankara Hacı Bektas Veli Universitesi, 2020)In this article, the verses (āyāts) in the book titled “Buyruq” or “Buyruq of Imam Ja'far al-Sādiq”, which have an important place in the written religious culture of the Alawi-Bektashi communities living in Anatolia, were ... -
Justice from the ummah to the organization: The analysis of the Qur'an and Sunnah
(Ilahiyat Bilimleri Arastirma Vakfi, 2020)The concept of justice and other concepts related to justice include the basic features of human life. However, justice is not only a virtuous behavior, but also a concept that guides societies. The scriptures that guide ... -
Analysis of the casuistic structure of the legal exegesis of the Qur'an from its form and content: The example of tafsir al-qurtubi
(Cumhuriyet Univ, 2020)al-Qurtubi (d. 671/1273) was a scholar of tafsir, hadith and fiqh. He experienced both Western and Eastern civilizations in the geography of Andalusia and Egypt, respectively. In his famous Tafsir called al-fami li-Ahkam ... -
An analysis on the relation of Qur'anic Interpretation (Tafsir) - Qur'an Translation: The example of transferring the 184th Verse of Surat al-Bakara to Turkish
(Cumhuriyet Univ, 2020)This article examines tafsir (interpretation of the Qur'an) - translation relationship in the example of the translation of verse 184 of the Surat al-Baqara into Turkish. Undoubtedly, when the verses are translated into ... -
The issue of naskh (Abrogation) of the Surah Al-Baqarah, 184 and the unusual interpretation of Shah Waliullah ed-Dehlawi on this subject
(Atatürk Univ., 2019)Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (d. 1176/1762), a scholar from India, has a multitude of works that cannot be determined in many areas. One of them is a work "al-Fawz al-Kabir Fi Usul al-Tafsir", which was written in the field of ... -
Evaluations on the postgraduate courses (1949-2015) in the psychology of religion in Turkey - I
(2016)The field of psychology of religion encompasses scientific researches on religious and non-religious individuals as well as on the topics of faith and rituals in religious traditions by using psychological methodology and ... -
The samples of objective al-carh practice in the context of emotional proximity (Specifically father/son - teacher/student)
(Din Bilimleri Akad Araştırma Merkezi, 2016)Al-Carh and al-Ta'dil are two important branches of Usul al-Hadith. Al-Carh and al-Ta'dil have certain conditions since they play a crucial role in determining the correctness and pureness of Hadith. Many works and principles ... -
Hasan Basri Cantay's fiqh interpretations on ahadith ahkam in the entitled book 'On Kere Kirk Hadis'
(Cumhuriyet Univ, 2015)Hasan Basri cantay, one of the most famous personalities in ate National Struggle period in Turkey, has been active in many areas such as writing, journalism, teaching and member of parliament. Additionally, he has written ... -
Maturidi's approach to the assertion claiming that Islam had been spread by force of sword in the context of freedom of faith and thought
(Hitit Univ, 2017)Quran adopts a positive attitude towards Non-Muslims, due to they can choose the religion that wish to follow and live it freely. On the other hand. Muslims were commanded to fight with Non-Muslims, especially the Arabian ... -
The leading name in Turkish psychology of religion: a biographical research on Neda Armaner
(Ilahiyat Bilimleri Arastirma Vakfi, 2018)The field actor who conducts scientific research and produces academic texts in the field of psychology of religion is called academician 'psychologist of religion'. The purpose of this article is to provide the bio-bibliographic ... -
The argument of Imam Maturidi with the jews: his theological critiques of prophetic beliefs
(Hitit Univ., 2018)Imam Maturidi (d. 333/944), was born in in Transoxania where hosted to various religions, beliefs and cultures, and lived in a period in which many religious, philosophical and political views emerged and Islam was attacked ... -
Trust in terms of psychological and pedago-socio-theological: analyses from the perspective of the psychology of religion and values
(Hitit Univ, 2018)The aim of this article is to analyse the phenomenon of trust in the psycho-pedagogical and socio-theological dimensions from the perspective of the psychology of religion and values. Within this scope, the phenomenon of ... -
İbn Hazm teolojisinde teşbîh ve tecsîm inancı: müşebbihe ve mücessime'ye yönelik teolojik eleştiriler
(Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2018)The aim of this study is to determine the criticism to Mushabbiha and Mujassima on the basis of al-Fasl fi l-milal wa-l-ahwa' wa-l-nihal whose writer is Ibn Hazm (d. 456/1064), one of the eminent scholars of the Andalusian ... -
Mâtüridi'nin hayatı, eserleri ve kelam ilmi'ndeki yeri
(2013)Mâtürîdî, tarihte çeşitli din, inanç, ideoloji, kültür ve medeniyetlere beşik vazifesi gören Maveraünnehir bölgesinde yaşamıştır. Onun yaşadığı dönem, İslâm dünyasında pek çok gelişme ve değişimlerin yaşandığı, değişik ...