Geomorphological evolution and sedimentation characteristics of Biga plain (NW Turkey)
The purpose of this study is to define the geomorphological features, formation, and development of the Biga Plain. The study is based on field observations, sand and gravel analyzes, and literature review. A digital elevation model was produced by using 1/25000 scaled toposheets. Satellite images were used to interprete the present geomorphological features. The plain base is composed of dendritic elements belonging to the Quaternary Period. In this low-inclined area rivers disappear in alluvium in some places. There schist, andesites, and granodiorites around the plain. Factors controlling the formation are fluvial processes and tectonism. Gravel has low flatness ratio and medium roundness ratio. This indicates that materials do not go far and undergo little processing, yet are carried by a flood river, deposited, and that fluvial processes prevail over the area. Many faults in the area, other fragments, and tectonic lines limiting the Biga Plain constitute various parts of the North Anatolian Fault Line. These factors have affected the drainage in the area.