New parameters for reduction of heating-based greenhouse gas emissions: A case study
In this study, the effect of indoor temperature for heating on reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in Turkey is studied under various conditions. Two new parameters are introduced, namely, carbon dioxide emission reduction effect (CO2RE) and carbon dioxide emission reduction rate (CO2RR). The potential heating degree-hour values for Turkey are used in conjunction with the potential average outdoor temperature distribution of the country to calculate/arrive at values for the two new parameters. The average outdoor temperature distributions for Turkey are calculated using this approach. In order to estimate the potential average outdoor temperature distributions and the respective heating degree-hour values, the effects of population and outdoor temperature distribution for each city are considered and included here for comparison purposes. The results show that heating-based carbon dioxide emissions may be decreased by 111 % and 5.6 % for 18 °C and 28 °C indoor design temperatures, respectively. It is considered that these two potential parameters may prove valuable tools for local authorities in identifying cities with significant potential for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions caused by residential heating applications.