Finite element modelling of crackable connecting rods at fracture splitting process
In this study crack propagation analysis of impulsively loaded connecting rods with different microstuctures namely perlitic, bainitic, tempered martensitic were studied numerically for evaluation of fracture parameters. Fracture splitting parameters in experiments for uniform impact force distribution was concerned in numerical analysis. Brittle crack propagation at starting notchs was obtained by impulsive load. Dynamic crack propagation was studied by using two dimensional finite element model and crack tip positions were determined by remeshing algoritm. Dynamic stress intensity factors were calculated by J integral technique and celevage failure was detected according to dynamic fracture toughness parameters by instrumented Charpy impact test. Crack propagation, crack arrest times, cleavege times were found and compared numerically for three different microstructures. Predicted shear effective stress intensity calculations, crack tip velocity, crack extesion results are found supplementary data for experimental fracture parameter optimisation.