Geophytic Plants around the Akkaya Dam Lake (Nigde-Turkey)
This study was performed in a research area near Akkaya Dam Lake (Nigde-Turkey) which is considered as a "Wetlands of International Importance" and is geographically positioned in the middle of important wetlands such as Salt Lake, Eregli Reeds, Goksu Delta, Sultansazligi Marshes, and Seyfe Lake. Consequently, geophytic taxa around Dam Lake were determined. This study shows the region has 15 geophytic taxa belonging to 6 families and 13 genera. In this paper, the phylogenetic order of the families, Latin names, IUCN danger categories of endemic geophytes and distribution of geophytic taxa in Turkey according to Grid System and phytogeographical areas that they belong to are given. Three species are Mediterranean elements, six species are East Mediterranean elements, one species is Irano-Turanien element, one species is an Euro-Siberian elements and four species are pluriregional or unknown. Two taxa are endemic.