Open source hardware-arduino: Case study on mechanical engineering students design project
This paper examines the effectiveness of using Arduino, which is open source hardware, as a learning instrument to teach how to apply software programs into mechanical projects by encouraging team working and utilizing project based learning (PBL) approach for mechanical engineering education. The compulsory Engineering Design Course in the curriculum of the Department of Mechanical Engineering was selected because of its strong relationship with the sector and real-world projects while lending itself to addressing to see the major consequences of using PBL and open source hardware. Fifteen third-year mechanical engineering students took the lecture. A survey was conducted to see learners' attitude toward using this technique and to evaluate the effect of using open source hardware in engineering education. The lecturers have focused on the usefulness and ease of using Arduino platform to develop real-life projects for the learners. The results will provide useful data to future research on using open source lecture materials in engineering education.