Anterior epitympanic recess volume and Cog process length in temporal bones with Korner's septum: A radio- anatomical investigation
Objective: Körner’s septum is a dense bony lamina dividing the mastoid cavity into superficial
squamous and deeper petrosal portions at the level of antrum. In this study, we aimed at investi-
gating the association of the Körner’s septum with the length of the Cog process and the volume
of anterior epitympanic recess (AER), using the 3-dimensional reconstruction models based on
high resolution computed tomography sections of the temporal bone.
Methods: Using OsiriX software for MacOS (version 3.8.1, Pixmeo), we measured the volumes
from three- dimensional models of anterior epitympanic recess. Anterior epitympanic recess
volumes and Cog process lengths of the temporal bones with and without Körner’s septum were
Results: Cog process length was significantly higher, and AER volume was significantly lower
in patients with Körner’s septum compared to the patients without. (p < 0.001). Additionally,
Cog process length was significantly (p = 0.008), negatively, but weakly (rho= −0.24) correlated
with AER volume.
Conclusion: Temporal bones with Körner’s septum had a longer Cog process and a smaller