Frequency of enuresis nocturna and accompanying factors in primary school children in Balikesir (Turkiye) city center
Background: Enuresis Nocturna (EN) is a common problem in children and stresses the child and family. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of EN in primary school children in Balikesir city center and to investigate the demographic data, sociocultural levels and accompanying factors of enuretic children. The research data were collected from the parents of primary school age children schools in Balikesir city center, which were allowed by the Provincial Directorate of National Education. Number of children (research universe) is 12,027. When multi-stage stratified-cluster sampling, which is one of the probabilistic sampling methods, is performed, it is aimed to reach 373 student families from 5 primary schools. Results: The frequency of EN in primary school children in Balikesir is 18% (n:468). When the enuretic and non-enuretic students were compared according to the frequency of some variables; Sacral hair, encopresis, urinary incontinence, running to the toilet suddenly, and the presence of EN in the parents were significantly higher in children with enuretics. Conclusion: Physicians, teachers and families should keep in mind that EN is a complaint. This problem may disappear with the maturation of the child over time, or it may be the first symptom of an organic problem. According to the detailed anamnesis and the answers to the questions that have a purpose, it should be understood which type of problem should be addressed, and it should be kept in mind that in the presence of daytime findings, it is necessary to apply for further examinations.