Yöneticilik ve liderlikte duygusal zeka
ŞŞahinkaya, Burcu. Yöneticilik ve liderlikte duygusal zeka. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006.Abstract
In the theoretical part of the study, initially, concepts such as intelligence and emotion are dwelled upon, and definitions and explanations regarding these concepts are given. Then the concept of ?emotional intelligence (EQ)? is explained; the effect of emotional intelligence on personal success, definitions of leadership and management, and the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership and management are discussed. Prior to the application part, comments and findings including concrete samples related to the topic are given. In an aircrew, the quality of the management affects flight safety. Therefore, the pilots need a total spirit and body health; lack of emotional intelligence should not be disregarded and must be carefully checked. With this in mind, in the application part, pilots with various services in the Air Force Command are chosen as sample; and whether or not this personnel differ in emotional intelligence is evaluated. As a result of the survey, pilots are categorized according to the aircraft they are qualified for, the squadrons they serve for, and their jobs in their squadrons. Perfections under the title of emotional intelligence are characteristics which directly affect flight safety and which are required from the echelon of management. The general results of the survey were sent to the related units; whereas personal results were sent to those who took the survey and requested the results. Taking into account the fact that it is possible to improve emotional intelligence, this study will reach its goal with evaluations each unit and person will make.