Transkanaliküler lazer dakriosistorinostomi cerrahisinde anatomik ve semptomatik başarının karşılaştırılması

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Yücebur, MukkadesTinç, Kübra
Sarı, Esin Söğütlü
Yazıcı, Alper
Ermişa, Sıtkı Samet
Tıskaoğlu, Nesime Setge
Show full item recordAbstract
: Nazolakrimal kanal obstrüksiyonu (NLKO) için Transkanaliküler dakriosistorinos- tomi (TK-DSR) ameliyatı geçiren hastalarımızda anatomik ve semptomatik başarının değerlendi- rilmesi. GGeerreeçç vvee YYöönntteemmlleerr ABSTRACT Objective: Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) patients who underwent Tran—
scanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy (TC-DCR) were retrospectively analyzed to determine surgi—
cal success using anatomical and symptomatic outcomes. Material and Methods: Patient files for
patients who were treated for NLDO with TC-DCR between 2012—2013 at Balikesir University Hos—
pital were examined and 43 patients were included in the study. Surgical and symptomatic success
were evaluated. Patients symptoms, patient satisfaction, epiphora scoring and detailed opthalmo—
logical examination findings were recorded. Anatomical success was defined by patent naso—
lacrimal lavage and symptomatic success was defined by patients satisfaction and using Sahlin’s
epiphora score. Results: In our study anatomical success at the last examination was 82.2%. 26.5
of patients had severe epiphora (grade and grade 3). Leaving our symptomatic success rate at
73.5%. Epiphora is the main presenting complaint of patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction
(NLDO). Historically external dacryocystorhinostomy (EX-DCR) has been considered the gold
standard treatment of NLDO, however in the last decade transcanalicular and endonasal approaches
have gained popularity. As transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy (TC—DCR) is less invasive than
EX—DCR what remains is to achieve the success rates of EX-DCR procedures. Surgical success can
be defined by anatomical patency and patient satisfaction. Persistent epiphora in external DCR pa—
tients despite anatomical patency may be due to damage to the lacrimal pump system; this together
with greater symptomatic relief in TC-DCR could be reason to consider transcanalicular surgery
as superior to external DCR. Conclusion: We feel that transcanalicular procedures may be advan—
tageous in epiphora scoring and symptomatic findings compared to EX—DCR.