A faunistic study on the freshwater copepoda (Crustacea) of Balıkesir
Freshwater copepods of Bahkesir Province (Turkey) were investigated by sampling 26 various freshwater bodies and a total of 12 species were identified. Megacyclops viridis, Macrocyclops albidus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Paracyclops chiltoni, Bryocamptus (B.) minitus, B. (R.) pygmaeus and B. (B.J tamogradskyi were recorded for the first time from Bahkesir. Bryocamptus (B.) tamogradskyi was also a new record for the Turkish inland waters and it was partially described. Freshwater copepods of Bahkesir Province (Turkey) were investigated by sampling 26 various freshwater bodies and a total of 12 species were identified. Megacyclops viridis, Macrocyclops albidus, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Paracyclops chiltoni, Bryocamptus (B.) minitus, B. (R.) pygmaeus and B. (B.J tamogradskyi were recorded for the first time from Bahkesir. Bryocamptus (B.) tamogradskyi was also a new record for the Turkish inland waters and it was partially described.
Journal of Applied Biological SciencesVolume
- Biyoloji-Makale Koleksiyonu [508]
- TR Dizin-Makale Koleksiyonu [3442]