Preparation, characterization and some biological properties of PVP/Ganoderma lucidum composites
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a biodegradable material and natu-ral polymeric biomaterial in such studies.Ganoderma lucidumis anatural material containing triterpenes, polysaccharides, adeno-sine, polypeptides, and amino acids. These constituents have beenshown to exhibit anti-cancer properties, enhance and regulateimmunity, resist oxidation and ageing, and promote metabolismand cell proliferation.Composites of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) have been preparedby solution intercalation method usingGanoderma lucidumat dif-ferent loading amounts. The characterization of PVP/Ganodermalucidumcomposites was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD) andscanning electron microscopy (SEM); the interactions betweenGanoderma lucidumand PVP was determined by FTIR-ATR; thethermal stability was determined by simultaneous TG/DTA.Hemocompatibility of the prepared composite samples wereinvestigated by a 96-well plate spectrophotometer. In addition,contact angles and antimicrobial activity of biomaterials werealso determined.FTIR-ATR confirms interactions formed betweenGanodermalucidumand PVP. XRD and SEM results give evidence thatGan-oderma lucidumwas well dispersed and homogenously in the PVPmatrix. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that introductionof clay to the polymer network resulted in an increase in thermalstability. The results of in vitro hemocompatibility test wereshowed that PVP/Ganoderma lucidumcomposites are used asbiomaterial. The development of synthetic materials, texturedpolymers and metals and their increasing use in medicine makeresearch of biomaterials’ hemocompatibility very relevant.