Are infants with food allergies candidate for allergic diseases of the respiratory tract?
Erdem, Semiha BahçeciNacaroğlu, Hikmet Tekin
Yazıcı, Selçuk
Kargıner, Canan Şule
Kanık, Esra
Can, Demet
Show full item recordAbstract
Background:Allergic sensitization usuallydevelops against food allergens in infancyand to inhalant allergens in the older.Although having food allergies is consid-ered a risk factor for development ofasthma according to the modified APIindex, such a relationship has not beenestablished for allergic rhinitis. Our goal isto investigate inhalant allergen sensitivityand frequency of allergic diseases of respi-ratory tract after the age of five in infantswith milk and/or egg allergies.Method:Children with milk and/or eggallergy proven by oral provocation test,that were followed up by Izmir Dr. BehcetUZ children0s Hospital0s Allergy Clinicbetween the dates 01.01.2010 31.12.2015,were involved in this retrospective cross-sectional study. All patients were per-formed skin prick test (SPT) involvingmajor inhalant allergens. Patient demo-graphics, concomitant allergic diseases andaeroallergens they were sensitive have beenrecorded.Results:The study included a total of 51patients and 36 (70.5%) were male. 16 ofthe cases (31.4%) had only milk, 16(31.4%) only eggs and 19 (37.2%) hadboth milk and egg allergies. The averageageofinhalantSPTwas68.78 11.96 months. 19 of the cases(37.3%) were found to be sensitive to inha-lant allergens. 10 of the cases (19.6%) weresensitive to only domestic allergens, 6 (%11.8) to only pollen and 3 (5.9%) to both.11 of the cases (%21.5) were being fol-lowed up with the diagnosis of allergicrhinitis and 2 with asthma. The remaining6 patients lacking clinical signs were con-sidered as only sensitization. There wereno correlation between inhalant allergensensitization and food-specific IgE levelsidentified during the diagnosis of foodallergy and the diameter of SPT endura-tion. Also, when subjects were groupedaccording to the type of nutrients theywere sensitive (milk, eggs, or milk+eggs) nostatistically significant difference wasdetected between the groups in terms ofdevelopment of inhalant allergen sensitivity(P>0.05).Conclusion:Inhalant allergen sensitivityand development of respiratory allergyincluding allergic rhinitis are high ininfants with milk and/or egg allergies.Although tolerance to food allergens usually develops, patient monitoring isrequired for probable allergic respiratorydiseases that may occur.