Continuous ph and pulp potential measurements during complex sulfide ore flotation
Control of pH is one of the most widely applied methods for the modulation of mineral flotation. There are many studies in the literature which show that flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite with xanthate shows a strong dependency on pulp potential. In this study continous measurements of pulp potential has been done during laboratory flotation of well characterised complex sulfide ores from Turkey. pH was varied from 9 to 11.5 and its relations and effects on pulp potential during complex sulfur ore flotation are discussed. pH was adjusted in cell, only at pH 11.5 it was adjusted in the mill. The platinum and chalcopyrite electrodes were used for pulp potential measurements. Xanthate and dithiophosphate were used as a collector. As expected, pH has an effect both on flotation and pulp potential and relation can be found. Recording the pulp potential during flotation has showed that increasing pH in the cell has decreased the pulp potential. The results also showed that higher Cu recoveries and grades were obtained as pH of the pulp is increased especially when pH was adjusted in the mill.