Clustering approach as a regional development tool and Turkish automotive sector clustering analysis
The automotive sector, which is a considered as a strategic sector in almost all developed countries, operates with a fully clustering approach. Clustering is defined as the geographical concentration of firms, specialized suppliers, service providers and related institutions that compete with each other in a particular field of activity, but also cooperate with each other. In this chapter of the book, first of all, the definition and development of the automotive sector was explained briefly. In the second part, the history and current situation of the Turkish automotive sector was given. In the third part, "Three-star Analysis", which is the most commonly used method in "Cluster Mapping Studies", was performed at the NUTS III (81 provinces) level to cover the entire Turkey. 2019 Compulsory Insured Person data taken from the statistical database of the Social Security Institution of the Republic of Turkey was used in the analysis. As a result of the three-star analysis conducted within the scope of the study, Bursa, Sakarya and Kocaeli provinces received three-stars. In this sense, it can be said that the heart of the Turkish automotive sector is the East Marmara Region. Izmir province is the only region that receives two stars and shows "potential cluster" characteristics for the automotive sector of Turkey. In terms of the sustainability of mature and potential clusters identified within the scope of the study, it is strongly recommended that they have to integrate into international cluster associations and become able to carry out international joint projects. In the scope of the study, the regions showing "candidate cluster" characteristics by receiving a single star were identified as Aksaray, Istanbul, Konya, Kutahya, Manisa and Eskisehir provinces. In provinces that receive a single star, clustering efforts should be supported under the leadership of public institutions, non-governmental organizations such as Chambers of Commerce and the private sector. © Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin 2021 All rights reserved.