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dc.contributor.authorKılıç, Taşkın
dc.contributor.authorSeymen, Oya Aytemiz
dc.descriptionSeymen, Oya Aytemiz (Balikesir Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractAraştırmanın Amacı: İlgili yazında güven kavramı ağırlıklı olarak tek yönlü olarak ele alınıp; örgütsel süreçlerdeki rolü incelenmiştir. İkili güven kavramını araştıran çalışmamızda, işgörenlerin hem örgüte hem de sendikaya bağlı olmaları nedeniyle, güvenin iki yönlü (sendika/örgüt) olarak incelenmesi ve bir tarafa duyulan güven ya da güvensizliğin diğer tarafı nasıl etkileyeceği, konusu önem taşımakta olup; ilgili yazında bu yetersizliğin belli ölçüde giderilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yazındaki bu boşluğu doldurabilmek için, bu çalışmada örgütsel güven kavramı iki yönlü olarak ele alınıp incelenecektir. Yöntem: Araştırmanın teorik kısmı ilgili yazın taraması ve yararlanılarak araştırma araştırması ise Enerji, Sağlık ve Eğitim olmak üzere üç farklı Kamu sektöründen 553 işgörene anket yöntemi kullanılarak tamamlanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS ve LISREL istatistik programlarında temel ve ileri düzey (Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi) testlere tabi tutulmuş ve sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) analizi sonucuna göre örgütsel güven düzeyinin bütün alt boyutlarının, sendikaya güven düzeyindeki bütün alt boyutları pozitif şekilde etkilediği, sendika yöneticisine karşı olan güven düzeyinin sendikaya olan güveni pozitif yönde etkilediği ve en yüksek güven düzeyinin enerji sektöründe, en düşük ise eğitim sektöründe olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.en_US
dc.description.abstractObjectives of the Research: In related literature, the concept of trust, approached from such one-way perspective, and its role in the organizational process, has thoroughly been discussed and studied. Our research aims to investigate the concept of dual trust, built upon experience of two-way relations and commitments of the employees towards both sides of their polarised environment to better reflect the character of these dual links with the organization on one, and the trade union, on the other side of this polar structure. Examining the issue of trust from this new perspective will allow to better establish, how exactly, the measure of confidence or distrust, existing in relation with any one side of such environment, can simultaneously be found affecting the relation of the employee with the other side of the organizational system. Thus existing theoretical deficiency is intended to be resolved upon the results of this study, to fill the gap in literature with concept of organizational trust, which comprises of extended model of analysis of these dual, simultaneous relations. Methods: The theoretical part of the study has been developed based on reviews of literature and in conjunction with conducted researches. Field research has been completed by using a questionnaire method, applied to 553 employees from three different public sectors: Energy, Health, and Education. Data obtained has been subjected to basic and advanced tests (Structural Equation Modeling) in SPSS and LISREL statistical software suites and results achieved were evaluated. Results: According to the results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, it is concluded that all the sub-dimensions of organizational trust level affect all the sub-dimensions of trust toward the trade union, the level of trust towards the union leaders, positively affects the trust towards the union itself and, that the highest levels of the trust in general, are seen in energy sector, while the lowest levels, within the scope of this research, respectively, are seen in the sector of educationroblem of the Research: If employees work in a situation of direct and simultaneous relations with two organizations (workplace and a trade union) which are both, competing with each other in conflict of interest. This situation, can be found in literature, described as a 'dual link' (Stagner, 1954). The necessity of maximizing organizational aims through relations with employees on both sides will be seen directly affecting the perceptions and behaviors of employees towards both of the organizations. Within such a context, the concept of 'organizational trust' will also have to be seen as linked to, and in either positive or negative manner affected by these dual links relations. However, when the relevant literature is examined, it is seen that this concept is discussed and approached, either as a trust to the union, or only to the workplace. The concept of trust of the employees, built upon the two conflicting influences and affected by rival organizations, not being previously examined as a concept of 'dual trust', can thus be highlighted, as the problem of this study. Objectives of the Research: In related literature, the concept of trust, approached from such one-way perspective, and its role in the organizational process, has thoroughly been discussed and studied. Our research aims to investigate the concept of dual trust, built upon experience of two-way relations and commitments of the employees towards both sides of their polarised environment to better reflect the character of these dual links with the organization on one, and the trade union, on the other side of this polar structure. Examining the issue of trust from this new perspective will allow to better establish, how exactly, the measure of confidence or distrust, existing in relation with any one side of such environment, can simultaneously be found affecting the relation of the employee with the other side of the organizational system. Thus existing theoretical deficiency is intended to be resolved upon the results of this study, to fill the gap in literature with concept of organizational trust, which comprises of extended model of analysis of these dual, simultaneous relations. Methods: The theoretical part of the study has been developed based on reviews of literature and in conjunction with conducted researches. Field research has been completed by using a questionnaire method, applied to 553 employees from three different public sectors: Energy, Health, and Education. Data obtained has been subjected to basic and advanced tests (Structural Equation Modeling) in SPSS and LISREL statistical software suites and results achieved were evaluated. Results: In this study, how the employees' level of trust towards two organizations (Trade Union/Work Place) which are in conflict of interest influence the other is attempted to be determined with 'dual trust' approach. In this context, these following conclusions have been reached. It is found that there is a positive relationship between three sub- dimensions of the trust level to the organization and three subdimensions of the trust level to the trade union as a result of an analysis of all the variables through Structural Equation Model. According to this result it is concluded that the level of trust to the organization has a positive effect on the level of trust to the union. These results demonstrate us that being connected to two rival organizations improves perception of trust to the both sides. Apart from this study in related literature, because there isn't a study related to dual trust, making a comparison hasn't been possible. However, Stagner (1954) who asserts dual trust points that two-way commitment shapes with the tendency of perceiving organizations and trade unions as a whole and the tendency of trusting to the both organizations when the working conditions are good. Additionally, the level of trust to the union management's positive influence on the trust to the union is another new relation discovered in this study of research. With reference to this result, it is seen that trust to the manager is the key role in achieving trust to the organization. In the research, it is found that the average level of trust of the employees to the union is %42, the average level of trust to the work place is %46. On the other hand, according to the 2000 World Values Survey results ( it is indicated that trust towards union is %75; trust towards organization %73. The research has been conducted in three different institutions. Among these institutions, energy sector has the highest level of trust, the second one is health sector and the third one is education sector. The reason of having the lowest level of trust in education sector can be having a higher level of education in comparison with other sectors. Because most of the teachers have bachelor's degree and the lowest level of trust belongs to the bachelor's in our study. Through this study, which is considered the Pioneer study in this area of work, dealing with concept of Dual Trust within three different concepts and improving models with reference to the issue have reached important conclusions. On the other side, by virtue of lack of study on 'dual trust' has not permitted to do a literal comparison. This case can be shown one of the restrictions of this study of research.en_US
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimleren_US
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arasıen_US
dc.subjectDual Trusten_US
dc.subjectTrade Unionen_US
dc.subjectDual Commitmenten_US
dc.subjectİkili Güvenen_US
dc.subjectÖrgütsel Güvenen_US
dc.subjectSendikaya Güvenen_US
dc.titleİkili güven kavramının; birbirine rakip iki örgüt (işyeri-sendika) üzerinden incelenmesien_US
dc.title.alternativeDual trust concept over two rival organizations (workplace- trade union); sample of health, energy and education sectorsen_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentİktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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