Güncel Gönderiler: Tıp Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 1701, listelenen: 61-80
Evaluation of serum magnesium levels in patients with the diagnosis of depressive disorder applied to a psychiatry clinic: A retrospective study
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2024)Objective: The role of magnesium in the pathophysiology of depression has increased the interest in magnesium. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to evaluate serum magnesium levels in patients diagnosed with depressive ... -
Retrospective comparison of percutaneous forceps dilatation tracheostomy and conventional surgical tracheostomy
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2024)Objective: We aimed to retrospectively evaluate the early complications of conventional surgical and percutaneous forceps dilatation tracheostomies in intensive care patients. Materials and Methods: Electronic records of ... -
The relationship between the lunar cycle and epileptic attacks and their treatment
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2024)Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the potential association between the phases of the moon and seizure attacks and treatment in patients diagnosed with epilepsy at a pediatric neurology clinic. ... -
Kronik kalp yetersizliği yönetiminde birinci basamak hekimlerinin farkındalığı ve beklentileri
(Turkish Society of Cardiology, 2024)Amaç: Kronik kalp yetersizliği (KKY) yönetimi multidisipliner yaklaşım gerektiren bir durumdur ve bu süreçte birinci basamak hekimlerinin (BBH) kardiyoloji hekimleriyle işbirliği yapması oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, ... -
The relationship between physical activity and cognition in Kırşehir Ahi Evran University medical faculty students
(Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2024)Purpose: Due to the difficulty and intensity of medical school education, medical students often lead a sedentary lifestyle. As seen in different methodological studies, physical activity affects cognitive functions. Few ... -
Choice of empirical treatment in patients with wound infection
(Marmara Üniversitesi, 2024)Objective: We aimed to determine the distribution of infectious agents in wound culture specimens, their resistance rates, and to evaluate empirical treatment choices in wound infections. Methods: Wound culture results of ... -
Kognitif disfonksiyon ile başvuran bir psödo trombotik mikroanjiopati vakası
(Cetus Yayınevi, 2024)Yaşlılarda kognitif disfonksiyon geriatri birimine önde gelen başvuru sebeplerindendir. Bu tür hastalar ayrıntılı geriatrik değerlendirme çerçevesinde ön planda demans açısından değerlendirilmelidir. Yaşlı bireylerde pek ... -
Protective effect of pomegranate juice on lead acetate-induced liver toxicity in male rats
(Pera Yayıncılık, 2024)Objective: Lead has been reported to cause oxidative stress in liver tissues and cause histopathological changes. Studies have shown that pomegranate juice has antioxidant properties that prevent oxidative stress. In ... -
Elderly and aged asthma have different characteristics: Results of a multicenter study
(TÜBİTAK, 2024)Background/ aim: Characteristics of asthma in the elderly population is not well-known. The aim of the present study was to evaluate asthma in the elderly population, to compare disease characteristics between patients ... -
A novel MAOA gene variant: Brunner syndrome, a raresyndrome, is associated with a wide range of psychiatricsymptoms
(Wiley, 2024)Brunner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that associated with mutations in the MAOA gene. It has been linked to a number of psychiatric disorders. We present detailed information on psychiatric evaluation of a case ... -
Çocuklarda sık kullanılan antiepileptik solüsyonların tat ve kokularının tedavi uyumuna etkisinin değerlendirilmesi: Kesitsel tanımlayıcı araştırma
(Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, 2024)Çalışmamızın amacı, solüsyon formda antiepileptik kullanan çocuklarda, ilacın tat ve kokularının tedaviye uyuma etkisini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Balıkesir Üniversitesi Hastanesi, Çocuk Nöroloji Polikliniğinde ... -
Hibrit gümüş nanoparçacık komplekslerinin sitotoksik ve antilayşmanyal aktivitesinin araştırılması: Leishmania türlerine karşı potansiyel ilaç adayları
(Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, 2024)Son yıllarda mevcut ilaçlara dirençli Leishmania türlerinin izole edilmesi, ilaç adayı olabilecek alternatif moleküllerin araştırılmasını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, hibrit gümüş nanoparçacık (AgNP) komplekslerinin ... -
Tehlikeli bir ilişki: Yurt dışı kaynaklı plasmodium falciparum ve salmonella typhi koenfeksiyonu olgusu
(Galenos Yayınevi, 2024)Sıtma, çoğunlukla anofel cinsi dişi sivrisineklerin insanları sokması ile bulaşan paraziter bir hastalıktır. Ülkemizdeki yerli sıtma olgusu bildirimi Dünya Sağlık Örgütü kayıtlarında görülmemekle birlikte, yurt dışı ... -
Management of membranous tracheal rupture due to the endotracheal tube cuff during thyroid surgery
(Ali Cangül, 2024)Tracheobronchial ruptures can be extremely dramatic and life threatening and are encountered in approximately 5 out of 100,000 cases after orotracheal intubation. They can occur as a result of intubation, tracheostomy, ... -
The prevalence, sociodemographic, and comorbidity characteristics of Turkish children with cognitive disengagement syndrome
(AVES Yayıncılık, 2024)Objective: Cognitive disengagement syndrome, formerly known as sluggish cognitive tempo, is defined as mental fogginess, daydreaming, and sluggishness. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and sociodemographic ... -
Evaluating the effectiveness of inflammatory markers in pediatric open globe injury using a modified pediatric ocular trauma score
(Ali Cangül, 2024)BACKGROUND: This study aims to assess pediatric patients with Open Globe Injury (OGI) using the Modified Pediatric Ocular Trauma Score (MPOTS) and to investigate the correlation between Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) ... -
Sivas ili aile sağlığı merkezlerinde görev yapan hekimlerin çocuk istismarı ve ihmali hakkındaki bilgi ve farkındalık düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi
(Galenos Yayınevi, 2024)Amaç: Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali (ÇİVİ), maruz kalan çocukta ciddi yaralanmalara hatta ölümlere neden olan ciddi bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Tanı konulmasında, yaralanmaların ve ölümlerin önlenmesinde hekimlerin ÇİVİ hakkında ... -
Assessment of micronutrients in pediatric vertigo
(Adıyaman Üniversitesi, 2024)Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients admitted to the pediatric neurology outpatient clinic with the complaint of vertigo and to investigate the role of micronutrients in the etiology ... -
The effect of transnasal sphenopalatine ganglion blockade on pain, functional capacity, sleep, and depression in patients with fibromyalgia
(Ali Cangül, 2024)Objectives: The Sphenopalatine Ganglion (SPG) is the target of interventional procedures in musculoskeletal pain, especially headaches, due to its role in the autonomic nervous system. Our study aimed to investigate the ... -
Can topical applicatıons be an alternative to surgery in the treatment of chronic anal fissures?
(Hakkı Murat Bilgin, 2024)Introduction: Anal fissure, characterized by a painful ulcer in the anal canal, presents a significant medical challenge. While surgical approaches like lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) have been the gold standard ...