Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on CAIX expression in Hep3B cells
Zinc containing carbonic anhydrase enzymes have important rolesin different physiological processes as gas exchange, ion transportand acid-base balance. Carbonic anhydrases catalyse the reversiblereaction from H2OandCO2to HCO3)ions. CA IX is a tumorassociated transmembran member of the CA family. CAIX expres-sion very important roles such as malignant cell invasion, adhesionand the regulation of cell proliferation. Carbonic anhydrases IXwhich is transcriptional regulated by hypoxia related factor, HIF1a,are a crucial enzyme in most cancer types. Cytokines are biologicalmolecules which have roles in regulation of cellular reactions Thereis rather limited study on the action of any cytokine to expressionof CA9 gene. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is acrucial mediator for angiogenesis and is also regulated by hypoxicconditions mainly by HIF1-a. The aim of this study was to investi-gate the CA IX mRNA expression levels in hepatoma cells(Hep3B) treated with VEGF. Therefore, Hep3B cells were treatedby VEGF for different time intervals, namely 1, 3, 6, 24, 48 and72 hour. VEGF upregulates CAIX mRNA expression mainly at 3and 6 hour. Different concentration of VEGF on CAIX cells werealso investigated and optimum dose for maximum expression wasdetermined.