PEG/Ganoderma lucidum biocomposites
Orbay, Ahmet CenkayDoğan, Serap
Turhan, Yasemin
Yılmaz, Begümhan
Diken, Mehmet Emin
Doğan, Mehmet
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Composite material is a multi-phase system consisted of matrixmaterial and reinforcing material. Matrix material is a continu-ous phase and reinforcing material is a dispersed phase. Themain two bioactive components ofGanoderma lucidumcan bebroadly grouped into triterpenes and polysaccharides. Despitetriterpenes and polysaccharides being widely known as the majoractive ingredients at anti-cancer effect.This study describes the synthesis and characterisation of bio-composites of different molecular weight of PEG (polyethyleneglycol) as matrix withGanoderma lucidumas a filling material atdifferent loading (%1, %2.5, %5 wt). The composites have beenprepared by solution intercalation method using ground andsievedGanoderma lucidum at 25 micron scale.The characteriza-tion of composites was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scan-ning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infraredattenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) Also in this study the hemocompatibility and antibactarial properties of compositeinvestigated.When XRD and FTIR-ATR results discussed, all of the com-posites using the different loading amunt ofGanoderma lucidum(%1, %2.5 and %5 wt) were shown a homogen distribution inthe matrix (PEG). And an interaction have occured betweenmatrix and filling material. The SEM photos have confirmed theseresults. PEG and composites have been detected as hemocompati-ble. These results showed that they can be used as biomaterials.